Zeke- the pics of the one I posted def. looks like the same type game- I've seen pics of the pce one. Looks more likely that its some sort of port than not. Either way- you admit to only having seen one when there's several fighting Dragon Ball games on KLOV and pics of the cabinets- so I won't consider you an authority over them. Sorry
. Vote however you wish is all I can say.
Its not the same as any arcade game. I know you hate me and everything, but I assumed that when you started this thread you were trying to make things at least semi-accurate. If you actually played the PCE game for more than a minute or two you'd know that it simply isn't an arcade sort of game. I haven't played the DBZ arcade games, but I played the shit out of the PCE game, and I can tell you for certain these are not screen shots of that game, or even that sort of game. The PCE game is 2.5D, and the arcade games (the first two listed there) are straight up 2D SFII clones. It takes over an hour to beat the arcade mode (at least) and the only guy you can play as is Goku. Left and right do not always make your guy move left and right. Right is always "advance", and left is always, "retreat". Holding one of the buttons makes your guy shoot fireballs non-stop untill he runs out of chi. It isn't an SFII clone. The characters scale in and out of the background and get so small you can barely see them shooting fireballs from the distance and stuff. What made you even thing it was an arcade game in the first place? Just because it said, "Dragon Ball Z"? The Super Famicom games look a f*ck of a lot more like these arcade games (the SFII style ones) but none of them are based on the arcade games. Neither is the Mega Drive game.
Well maybe it is a port and maybe it isn't. I see a bunch of fighting games. You admit to not having played the arcade so for you to keep arguing seems really juvenile. Also- if I have to point out to you that a wide spectrum of ports differ in many ways- then you're an ever bigger fool than I take you for. If someone here actually played the arcade ones and can verify that it is in no way a port of sorts- then I'll be grateful and strip it from the list. I asked for correction on the initial post. I don't see your views as correcting anything at the moment. And I don't "hate" you Zeke- that's a strong word. You actually are the cause for great laughter so I'd have to go with "liking" you more than "hating" you. You definitely add to the experience. 
LOL on this one. You have Zeta,who at first states there wasn't any,then one,then after being schooled admits there are more then 1 DBZ titles released in the arcade. You have this same Zeta jumping all over Sini just because Sini didn't know??? Sini admitted he had only saw pics of the game,and went off of that. Simple mistake and doesn't deserve the a$$hole "Im smarter then you" attitude" or Gutts chiming in with
^^ You got schooled man, give it up. Anybody can tell that DBZ on PCE is not a port of any arcade game. By your logic I could say that TMNT on Gameboy was a port of the arcade game.
. Thats like saying TMNT 2 Arcade game on Nes was a direct port,when infact its not even up to being a cookie cutter version of the arcade TMNT. Reworked sprites,move animation combos missing,graphics and audio cut down,charm gone,and the Nes one also played as stiff as a card board box.... The only thing really the same was the basic lay outs of bosses,and when things happened. DBZ wise,I mean seriously,if the only kinda pics going around are like these:

Then its kinda hard to tell wtf the controls or game plays like,because to be honest it looks like any other typical 2D DBZ fighter.... I mean incase you hadn't noticed Zeta,they recycle locations in the DBZ fighters so the backgrounds are going to look similar as the characters do too obviously. Its a honest mistake, simple as that. I mean Zeta,is this what its come to for you,you have no other way to get the 1up on any of us so you find a DBZ mistake and roll with it.
Not only that,but Zeta you admitted to not even knowing of other DBZ titles in the arcade at first,so your own knowledge was based on assumption,not experience. Same mistake as Sini except he admitted he never played them,and went by pics he had seen. The other titles had to be pointed out to you Zeta so your not the expert you try to come off as. To be honest too Zeta,time to grow up,theres better things to argue about then DBZ. Leave that to the kids on the DBZ forums,seriously,as I'm guessing you're almost 35-40,you're too old for that kinda shit.
You could have kindly pointed out you felt a mistake had been made,and present proof via FACTS,with out coming off as Mr. Smart ass the All knowing Pretender to the Throne of DBZ knowledge or trow a big rant as to why you
felt you were right,because not knowing there were other DBZ titles in the arcades meant you could have just as easily been wrong yourself,since you went off of assumptions,not facts.