OK. as i've stated, i know nothing about redfrog and what their intentions are (well, i know more now after reading your posts) and i should make it clear that i understand the ebay price gouging that goes on and your feelings about it. however, i feel compelled to make a few points here:
1. if redfrog - or anyone else - sees fit to price gouge, then let them. they will eventually tire of keeping those high prices and will eventually bring them down in the guise of a huge sale to save face. if someone pays those prices then it justifies rf's making them so high in the first place. if redfrog has pockets deep enough, he/she can keep those prices up there because someone will come around eventually and snatch that up. if rf is smart, he'll buy up as many as possible and drain the market for a while and then wait because a smart business person knows that it's better to make a slow dime than a fast nickel. those words were spoken to me by steve at tzd when he was trying to rationalize telegames usa's sometimes silly prices. that was what the owner of telegames told him and it generally works.
did i get ripped off by paying $30 each for sealed copies of exile and cf2? i don't feel i did because expecting to pay less than half the original $50 for a rare and good turbo game almost twenty years after its release is what lies just beyond wishful thinking, dreaming and insane. as i mentioned during the controversy over steve's final tzd sale, one of the problems is that we have been spoiled for many years. we've had lords of thunder and forgotten worlds available to us for 13 years at $30.00 when others were selling them sealed for $50 or $80. the game was originally $50 and i will bet you anything that in five years we will start seing sealed copies of those games going up again.
is $800 too much for dynastic hero? let's think about it. i have lost track over the years of how many sapphires, dracula xs, zenkis, chip chan kicks et al i have picked up for people. (Listers out there would back this up). in my experience, people have been willing to pay the actual fair price of, say, sapphire which has consistently been between $280-$330 over the last ten years. if one is willling to pay $300 for a game with a run of 5,000 copies, wouldn't they also be willing at some point to pay $800 for a game with only 1,500 copies in circulation? of course, it's a little more complicated than that and at some point there has to be a line over which even the most adamant collector/gamer will not step. i think $800 for dynastic hero is pushing that threshhold. not even darius alpha has gone that far. in fact, the only game for the pce/turbo to really go that far and much further was indo no honou which i have seen going for $4,000.
i hate to say it but the turbo and many other things like it is no longer just a piece of entertainment (a damned good one too!) but an investment. a lot of time goes into even finding that stuff anymore to say nothing of the money that goes into buying it. and the truth is that there are people out there willing to pay. it sucks for us gamers and i am almost at the point of just translating the jp vesion of dynastic hero and getting someone to patch it in over the japanese text so that people can buy the much cheapr jp version and still enjoy it in english. that would satisfy those who want to play the game only. anyway, i am too busy for that now but we'll see what life is like after miraculum is done. anyway...
as for stocks of games coming from telegames usa, i think it is highly unlikely. they lost tons of stuff after the tornado that ravaged their warehouse. i am almost certain it was telegames uk who suddenly started posting deals on their website about a year or so ago. interstingly, when i contacted them in december about these games:
Exile II: Wicked Phenomenon
Forgotten Worlds
they replied on december 12th saying they had only two copies left each of cotton and forgotten worlds (still have the email). they used to have a lot more though. it is interesting that years of unsold stock would start to move in 2007. in any case, i have dealt with them once before and
while their prices suck and their inventory list is HORRIBLY inaccurate. they no longer have everything listed on their website. some of the titles still listed sold out ages and ages ago. however, they delivered.
and sinistro said the following:
> "...only difference is that they're the worst kind of EBay seller..."
the worst kind of ebay seller? is redfrog worse than that european guy who was selling fake copies of sapphire? or that french guy Adol who was not only ripping people off but selling things that were not as promised? (wonder if he's still on ebay)
> "...on EBay itself before any true fan can get to 'em..."
the true fan, imo, wants to play the games and might happily settle for used copies. redfrog is not the only source of turbo games out there and the true fan has had a long time to get many of these games at better prices. and my advice to the true fan is this: get your hands on what you can now because people like redfrog are only getting more and more brazen in their pricing. if you need an alternative to buying from ebay and telegames, try these boards and the tml. there are lots of good traders out there but be warned, if you're looking for a sealed dracula x you are probably going to be charged for a sealed dracula x and what someone feels it should go for in 2008.
> "...and then resells them for at least double the price."
wouldn't you do the same if you were out to make money? if i gave you ten boxed pce lt units in mint condition at $600 (they go in japan for about $800-$900 now), and you knew there were people out there who couldn't get to japan but were desperate to have one and were willing to pay $1500, wouldn't you try to increase your profit margin?
> "...The kind that now inexplicably sells XBox stuff and other non Turbo crap on its "TZD" page. "
i don't like seeing non-turbo stuff on there either but this was bound to happen. you know, after the neo geo pocket color went down, tzd almost bought up a large portion of snk's stock so this almost happened anyway.
> "...And Dynastic Hero US is rare- but not THAT rare and not THAT expensive. They know it, the informed here know it- you would do yourself good to know it as well."
i am hardly new to the scene. look. today on ebay, you can find zenki fx for $386.00. in 2000, it was going for $120-$140 and that was considered by far the most expensive fx game. should it be that much? ask the bidders on there. it's not about what the game is worth, it's about what people are willing to pay. it sucks. it's not right to charge that. it's a shame that a retailer like tzd has to suffer a downgrade by becoming essentially a storefront for an ebay seller but any purchase we make from them justifies their existence.