This is what I would do...(BTW, if you don't feel like doing this you can send it to me and I'll play around with it.)
Clean any corrosion you can find off the board(s). I would remove the shielding too and make sure things are kosher with the components hidden underneath.
If something caused the unit to short out, the fuse surely would have caught this before the PCB was damaged electrically.
A run through the dishwasher wouldn't be a bad idea either. Once things are clean, try to power it up. If you get nothing, bypass the fuse (the black component I identified earlier is the fuse, despite the fact it doesn't appear to be) by adding a jumper wire connecting both legs of the fuse assembly.
Try to power it up again. If you get power, you know the fuse is bad, and you can replace it (or just leave it with the jumper wire in place).
If you still do not get power, my money is that one (or more) of the capacitors in the power circuit is toast.