I was in dire need of an extension cable for my Duo, since playing games sitting on the floor with my neck craned back gets old. But I was a little skeptical of cables branded specifically as Duo/PCE extension cables. I mean, the connectors look an awful lot like standard old PC connectors, right? $15 or $20 seems like overkill. Someone here confirmed that they are just standard 8-pin Mini-DIN connectors, so I hit up trusty monoprice.com and found exactly what I was looking for:
$1.53 Duo/PCE extension cables:
http://www.monoprice.com/products/product.asp?c_id=102&cp_id=10215&cs_id=1021501&p_id=534&seq=1&format=2I just did a quick search and found one other mention of this from last year, but I wanted to give it a little more attention to make sure everyone was aware of these. Plus I just had a couple arrive today and can confirm that they do, in fact, work perfectly.
Edit: Hmmm... Maybe this should go in the sales forum.