Shitty top ten lists seem to be the chief export of crap magazines these days.
Did you know that Super Mario Land (GB) was shit? Yeah, I didn't either.
I did. Probably the worst mario platformer ever. (not counting the CDi stuff, of course.)
Back to this topic, I don't think there are 10 underrated consoles.
I belive there are. Pretty much everything released in a Generation which is a)not dominant, and b)not crap.
if your console is one of the most popular of all time, like the 2600 is, and the NES2 (since its just a NES) it obviously isn't underrated.
I disagree. The reputations of people and things change over time; while the 2600 was #1 in its time, it later became infamous for it's bombs (pac-man and ET spring immediately to mind). You could argue that the NES2 was underrated because, despite it's mechanical superiority to the NES (less suceptible to 'the blinks', better controller) it didn't sell all that well.
Gamecube: it has some*great* stuff and anyone who tells you otherwise either hates games or is trying to sell you something. Sadly the library of great games is really small, and during its day it really couldn't survive as someone's "only" system when the DC and PS2 were around with much larger libraries.
Dreamcast: one of the best libraries ever, and most of it came out in two years. What would it have been like if Sega hadn't been forced to abandon it to move to Xbox and PS2? We'll never know.
The Dreamcast was dead before the Gamecube even launched; they were never competitors. In a way, the 'cube was the Dreamcast's successor.