Author Topic: Debate Topic:Given Bonk's Revenge, is there any reason to play Bonk's Adventure?  (Read 734 times)


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Debate topic: Given that Bonk's Revenge exists, is there any compelling reason to play Bonk's Adventure?

I submit that there is not.  Discuss.


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yeah- because otherwise there's no point in his "revenge"  :D

but seriously- I'm the type that likes to see how games evolve from the original to the sequels... so that's my reasoning.  But yeah Bonk's Revenge is the best of the three.

Quote from: Tatsujin
atm its just amateurish boytoy shizzle
Quote from: Tatsujin
they will bust me for consuming drug until they found out what it was in real


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Bonk's Adventure still rocks. I still like it. :)
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The vastly superior level design of Revenge renders Adventure obsolete.

Turbo D

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I like Bonk's Adventure best. Its a must for any turbo/pce enthusiast.

Joe Redifer

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I much prefer part 1 to part 2.  But even part 1 is a weak game, and Bonk is a weak mascot.


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This thread is about Bonk's Revenge played on a Super Gameboy vs. Bonk's Adventure on the toploading NES2 with a dogbone controller, right?
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This is kind of a pointless topic.

Give Sonic 2, is there any reason to play Sonic 1?

Given Super Mario Bros. 2, is there any reason to play Super Mario Bros. 1?

Given Resident Evil 4, is there any reason to play the previous entries?



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This is kind of a pointless topic.

Give Sonic 2, is there any reason to play Sonic 1?

Given Super Mario Bros. 2, is there any reason to play Super Mario Bros. 1?

Given Resident Evil 4, is there any reason to play the previous entries?


Oh, I considered these before posting!  Mario 1 has significantly different gameplay from Mario 2 and 3, so it's absolutely still worth playing.  In addition, all Sonic games have great level design, so they're all worth playing, despite having similar gameplay.  Bonk's Revenge, however, maintains the same basic gameplay as Bonk's Adventure but with vastly superior level design.


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Actually no.  In Bonk's Adventure you can spin for MUCH longer in the air then you can in Bonk's Revenge- something that always changed the gameplay feel entirely.  This is absolutely a pointless thread- not that I haven't been guilty of a few myself  :D

edit- maybe "entirely" is too strong here- but yeah the gameplay definitely is different  :)
« Last Edit: April 19, 2008, 05:20:48 PM by Sinistron »

Quote from: Tatsujin
atm its just amateurish boytoy shizzle
Quote from: Tatsujin
they will bust me for consuming drug until they found out what it was in real


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both are the big hit! the one is not better or worse than the other!
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This thread is a bit pointless, so here's my pointless opinion: Bonk's Adventure is no more useless than Bonk's Revenge, as they're both inferior to Bonk's Big Adventure.  There's plenty of enjoyment to be had in all of 'em; a true Turbo fan would play all three, preferably simultaneously.
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Joe Redifer

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If Tommy Lasorda Baseball is so great, is there any point in playing Last Resort?  I'm thinking "no".


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This is kind of a pointless topic.

Give Sonic 2, is there any reason to play Sonic 1?

Given Super Mario Bros. 2, is there any reason to play Super Mario Bros. 1?

Given Resident Evil 4, is there any reason to play the previous entries?


Oh, I considered these before posting!  Mario 1 has significantly different gameplay from Mario 2 and 3, so it's absolutely still worth playing.  In addition, all Sonic games have great level design, so they're all worth playing, despite having similar gameplay.  Bonk's Revenge, however, maintains the same basic gameplay as Bonk's Adventure but with vastly superior level design.

Level design in Bonk 2 is only "vastly superior" in that it's just different.

Either way, my point was that there are countless instances in video game history (as well as movie, album, etc) where sequels 1-up their predecessors in one way or another. Doesn't always mean the original isn't worth bothering with, unless the original happens to be a steamy pile of crap, which Bonk's Adventure surely is not. It's a cult classic at the very worst, and has a style and charm absent from the entire rest of the series. All subsequent games (including the SFC entries) were based more or less on the mechanics and ideas of Bonk's Revenge and therefor derivative as such. Variety is the spice of life, and you can play Bonk's Adventure back to back with any of the other four "real" entries in the series (I don't count the NES or Gameboy versions; those were cheap cash-in attempts as far as I'm concerned) and you're guaranteed a fresh experience.

Having said all that, I agree with Necromancer wholeheartedly-- Bonk 3 is by far the best in the series. It took everything that worked well in the first two games, combined them, and threw in some new ideas of it's own. I'd say Adventure comes second, because it's so different and has that venerable charm. Bonk 2 is arguably the worst of the bunch, actually-- horrible spin control, recycles it's own levels with palette swaps and minor adjustments (1-1, 1-2 become 5-3 and 5-1 respectively), lackluster bosses (stage 5 is missing a boss altogether), etc.... Don't get me wrong-- I love all 3, but I'm just trying to prove a point. Revenge was a "concept game." Some of the new concepts worked out-- some not so much. But to say it was so grand it rendered part 1 obsolete-- preposterous.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2008, 11:46:20 PM by nat »


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PC Genjin 2 renders Bonk's Revenge pointless. Discuss.


Seriously, though, Bonk's Return is, arguably, the best of the series. Mobile gaming at its finest. Yes, I have it.
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