i voted for xanadu ii and THEN i saw anearth. aw man, it is a toss up. still, i think i went with my heart on this one as xanadu ii blew me away in that the SNES ws getting all the rpg props at the time in the states and xii proved the pce could more than hold its own. i didn't own anearth until years and years later. had i had them both back then though...
sapphire was obviously awesome (though unfairly short) but it had the obvious advantage of the arcade card. also,while sapphire looks and sounds incredible, i don't feel it is as exciting a shooter as lords of thunder...yep, i said it. lords has the one thing sapphire doesn't: attitude. it's an unprogrammable intangible that i have rarely (if ever) seen in any shooter.
and gulliver boy's hu video cut scenes were freaking awesome (and that game is in something of a nostalgic fave category).