I guess this could go in the PCE forum as well, but due to cosmic infuences beyond my control, it is getting posted here. The voices said that would be best
I'm kind of a weird hybrid as far as a game collector goes. Most collectors I know get all gooey and freak out when they find a brand new, never been opened game. They pet it and hug it, and put it on the shelf to drool over. Now if that were me, I'd probably tear off the wrapping, whip out the cart, and slap it in the nearest working console and play it. I'm more of a player than a collector, or at least, I like to SAY that. Makes me sound like I'm not one of those crazy obsessive types with a bedroom full of nothing but games.
Except that, well, I kind of have a bedroom full of nothing but games. Heh. Oops. My bad.
I have determined that what I am is what is generally termed a 'lazy-ass hobo collector'. What that means is that I don't give a sack of boiled monkey sphincters if the game I'me getting is all pristine and in the box. It doesn't even have to HAVE a box (though I'd prefer it if it's the same price), so long as it works when I plug it in. Got a game with a torn label? I'll take it. Sharpie marker'd copy of Pitfall owned by some douchebag named 'Billy'? Dibs! I don't care, as long as it works. I'll take it, spend half an hour restoring it to pristine beauty, and play the hell out of it. I'm the master of taking a destroyed game and making it look new. Best record was the time I found an old tabletop arcade game (you know, like the old coleco ones) that was all smashed up. The CIRCUIT BOARD came in a little baggie in about thirty pieces like a jigsaw puzzle. It was completely smashed. I superglued it all back together, had a friend jump solder over the broken traces, repaired the case and ... it works beautifully, and is the envy of ... umm ... one other guy I know who actually cares. But still!
So, I usually don't care about cases, though I usually end up dinding a bunch in the end. Unless, of course, it's a Genesis or Intellivision game. Won't touch either without a box. Asymetrical carts drive me nuts.
So, that's the kind of nutcase I am, how about you guys? Do you sort your carts every night? Alphabetize your hucards? Only wrap controller cords widdershins?
Fess up!