I'm looking for some PCE chips tunes. Tunes that have a unique or impressive instrument sound or just kicks ass. This is for some PCE music engine research.
So far I have (all track #'s of the HES files correspond to mednafen playback, other players might reorder the track #'s):
AfterBurner, Outrun, ThunderBlade: seem to use the most of the same instrument and sound engine. Besides sounding really great (AB comes to mind) they have some unique instruments/sounds. Also has some nice bass on one of the songs.
Batman: Very interesting sound engine. It uses two of the channels for PCM(wave) samples. The bass guitar is actually scaled in frequency up and down like in a MOD engine (think SNES if you don't know what MOD is). The "Super R-type" sample was noticeably cool, although not frequency scaled.
Bomberman 93 and 94: Some great tunes and unique sound/instruments. Some impressive "noise channel" drum kits - nice and clean. Bomberman 94 has two great techno-ish tracks with nice drum track - track 128 being one of them

Blood Gear: Very synth-y sounding(some tracks sound FM-ish in style). Lots of frequency sliding on chorus notes.
Bloody Wolf: One of my favorites and really complex sound engine. Very unique sounds/instruments and great variety of music. I wish they had used this sound engine for other games as well. Very impressive.
Devil's Crush: With it's famous track - love the instruments and composition.
Fiend Hunter: Of the two tracks that I've heard - really nice samples used in conjuction with PCE audio. When I first heard it, I thought it was a CD track until I noticed some of the PCE instruments. Threw me off

Parodius: Pretty impressive conversion to PCE audio system
SF2: same as parodius. Though they both owe more to the composers than the sound engines used. SF2 sounds better than the arcade version imo.
Solder Blade: Uses the same instruments as a lot of other PCE games (Aldynes, Neutopia 2, etc) and nothing unique. So it shouldn't be on this list - but I'm a fan of the compositions. There are a few covers for other synth formats of this game. I heard a cool OPL2 version and a twin SMS PSG version. There's also that NES cover using extra sound hardware It sounds pretty good though you can tell the instruments lack the timbre and fidelity of the PCE version.
R-Type: A great conversion of the original. Has a synth-y sound too (though not FM).
AeroBlasters: Another great conversion. It breaks from some of the more common instruments used in PCE games, in some of the tracks. Though it's still PCE recognizable in parts..
De-ja: Track 3- nothing special but I like it - not a typical game music,11 -love this track.
Gomola: Track 62 - nice track

Metal Stoker: Except for a couple of tracks having a pretty common instrument or common PCE composition, most tracks have a strong bass-synth and unique composition to them.