I'll admit that Military Madness is pretty fun but to compare it to the modern games and say that it is MUCH BETTER is pretty silly.
Military Madness is pretty primitive in mechanics, you can have simple without being bare bones.

I'm actually going to go off on a rant, but please do not take offense to it, because, honestly, it is not directed at you. I just share handygrafx's critique of many "strategy games" and wanted to share it here.
To think that modern games are much better than older ones is pretty silly. Sure, old crusty strategy titles could benefit from the refinements and improved "flow of the game" that we see today, but where's the beef?
For example, the Advance Wars series, and I've played them all, is pretty lame compared to Nectaris / MM, let alone Neo Nectaris (Neo has many subtle refinements). Strip away the fluff of AW (and many contemporary games) and, as handygrafx pointed out, the PUZZLE SOLVING element is severely lacking.
I know lots of folks will get pissed at this, but too many modern games have the strategy of RISK (which is a great board game) + resource-management and/or real-time to try to flesh them out and make them appear meaty. I ask you, where is the beef?
Advance Wars = RISK. Nectaris / MM transcends RISK.
Nectaris is, essentially, a closed system with few opportunities to magically re-plenish (re-spawn) your troops outside of factories. There are stricter limitations on your ability to replenish your troops, which is really nice. Personally, I think this adds a lot of drama and fun to the game... when you lose an entire unit, you actually FEEL the loss, because that unit will never come back. If you're lucky, though, at least one troop from a unit might survive--this survivor has the potential to be replenished in a factory, but usually you have to devise a defensive strategy to ensure that this happens (the AI loves to pick off weak, fleeing troops).
In the more difficult later stages, EVERY GODDAM UNIT is treasured. Sure, you'll have to sacrifice some of them, but when you do it is deliberate and they truly feel like a SACRIFICE.
I love games that force you to conserve and appreciate limited resources. It creates a gritty, desperate atmosphere that forces you to be frugal. This is the type of "resource management" that appeals to me. This isn't RISK, or countless RTS titles, where you have an "endless" supply of troops. I don't care if you are required to mine for gold... cranking troops out of the factory like it was the Super-Industrial-Revolution makes them disposable. These troops are mass-produced widgets. Cannon fodder.
I don't think battles are more epic simply because the number of troops involved (and the subsequent death toll) is high.
You get the idea.
I know most folks won't agree with me, but that's OK. I have peculiar tastes at times.
It's fun to rant