Author Topic: Quantity or Quality  (Read 316 times)


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Quantity or Quality
« on: May 12, 2008, 05:02:59 AM »
Am not new at collecting video games far from it but i am new on the PC Engine(not the Turbo-16 i have one in the past).

But my question is what is better buying a bunch of cheaper games which may or may not be the best or buying one great or fantastic game that you can really show off to your friends.

I have already done this some what after i got my Duo-R and i bought Dracula X off of Ebay spending $100 plus after shipping(Which to me was so worth the price).

Thanks for any feedback on this. :D


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Re: Quantity or Quality
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2008, 05:12:06 AM »

But my question is what is better buying a bunch of cheaper games which may or may not be the best or buying one great or fantastic game that you can really show off to your friends.

Really, I don't think this is a question anyone can answer for you. To do that you probably need to assess why you are collecting games to begin with. Are you collecting games simply for the novelty factor, so that you can show them off to friends? Or are you buying them to play?

In my case, there are two driving factors behind any purchases I make. First and foremost, I have to be able to get into and play what I buy. That's the #1 deciding factor for me. A secondary "goal" if, you will, is that I am attempting to amass a complete collection of all the games that saw U.S. releases. On that note, there are some games in the U.S. library I will likely never play more than once. These would be the only exceptions to the "play what I buy" rule, but I will still buy them because my collection would not be complete without them.


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Re: Quantity or Quality
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2008, 05:17:09 AM »
Assuming that you want to enjoy playing your games, it's best to get both quality and quantity.  There's tons of great games that can be had for $20 or less, so you needn't break the bank just to get a few gems.
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Re: Quantity or Quality
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2008, 05:27:00 AM »
Yeah am not one to go out and buy every game to have a complete collection but do like having some great and fun games for myself and my friends to play.

I have some fantastic games that am really into right now that i really didnt spend alot for like Dynastic Hero,AfterBurner II,and such. :D


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Re: Quantity or Quality
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2008, 10:04:25 AM »
I'd say just buy whatever it is that you like.  Granted, there are some games that are ridiculously priced (like a legit Sapphire) but for the most part I just look at for sale threads and ebay and see if I sell anything I like for the price I'm willing to pay. 

However, you buying Dracula X as one of your first games is a HUGE mistake. HUGE.

My reasoning: I did the same thing.  I bought a Duo a few years back specifically for Dracula X (PCE emulators sucked balls back then.) First I got the Duo with Gate of Thunder, then I picked up Lords of Thunder and a few hucards.  Finally I bit the bullet and bought Dracula X, I paid $130 or so.  It is fantastic, I love it dearly and it's the only expensive game I own that was worth every penny.  Now the bad part-I was spoiled!  Very few other games measured up to Dracula X, and the fact is I didn't get any more games for many years. I finally jumped back in when I started getting into shooters.

Luckily the PC Engine (the Japanese model in particular) is a great collectors system if you aren't obsessive compulsive.  With the exception of a few high end titles, every good game is affordable, if not downright cheap. It makes me happy after having a love affair with the Neo Geo last year (ouch.)


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Re: Quantity or Quality
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2008, 01:41:41 AM »
first buy the must haves (cheap & expensive ones). then if you still find some fun in collecting those things, go for the rest :mrgreen:
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Re: Quantity or Quality
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2008, 04:07:09 PM »
I have found that my own tastes differ from conventional wisdom (and random reviews), so I always buy stuff to check them out myself.

I have found some wonderful Red Book tunes on games I would never have purchased if I was simply going by the "Top ____ List"

Basically, have fun :)
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