I don't have a problem with BoS, I just have a problem with the fact that EVERY TIME someone mentions Ice Hockey someone else has to bring up BoS like they are joined at the hip. This has been going on since 1987 and it's bullshit.
Blades of Steel was a breath of fresh air when it was released.
That is the context in which I know the game.
It took some time before I was able to go back and appreciate Ice Hockey, since the newer BoS was so nice.
The same goes for Bonk 1 after Bonk 2 was released.
Or MegaMan1 after MegaMan2.
Or Castlevania 1 after Castlevania2.
P.S. If Ice Hockey allowed me to play Mario Bros. or Donkey Kong or Ice Climber during intermission....well, that would have helped This Prodgial Gamer return home sooner to the teat of Nintendo.

No joke, though, it took some time before I rediscovered the majesty of Bonk 1, MegaMan 1 and Castlevania 1...I was thoroughly enraptured with the sequels.
Since Nintendo never followed-up Ice Hockey with a sequel, Blades of Steel was de facto sequel.
The biggest crime, IMHO, is that Hogan's Alley never got a sequel.
I played it in the arcade all the time...and the NES version was nice, but I wanted more Hogan in my Alley.
I'm serious. There was just something so satisfying and pleasing about the entire experience and progression through the game....but it deserved to have an "XTREME" adrenaline-infused follow-up.