Hi all,
I'm working on starting up a side business selling various homebrew video game accessories for consoles from the 80s and 90s, and the "chopsado" idea caught my eye. I've been working on developing a Kisado-clone (with some added bonuses thrown in) for a couple of months now, but I need some seed money. I work for an engineering company that could probably order some custom, somewhat professional "chopsado" flex PCBs on the cheap, taking away the work of making them out of ribbon cables and carefully soldering wires. I think I could probably get the price down to a few bucks per (something along the lines of $4 each incl. shipping for qty. 1, and 10 for $30?), but I'm wondering if there are people out there interested enough in this idea to commit to buying a few before I take the monetary plunge here to get them fabbed. I have high confidence that they will be a great compromise in terms of robustness and reusability.
Just curious if people were interested in the idea. My current plan is to put them on eBay for something around 5 bucks a pop, and then sell them to members of this forum for less directly.
Does this seem like something worth doing? It would help fund my development of the full-blown Kisado-clone, which will require some significant efforts on my part to complete.
Anyway, let me know your thoughts on it