WOW. the surprises don't stop, do they? first the ZENKI news and now this. i joined the TML in 96 and there were LOTS of hard core members there who played these types of games and no one has ever mentioned it. and....hold on, i have an idea... okay, i have this VERY cool book that has lots of codes for almost every game in the pce/pc-fx/sgx libraries through '96. i have s l o w l y been translating and testing for an eventual dump onto the much neglected i've been working on this for a few months and brought it with me this summer. i am looking at the tokimeki memorial file and, among many other secrets (most meaningless unless you play the game) is something that says (hasty translation here):
"Full Power Extra Game-
First, in the second year of the Culture Festival, go to the computer lab and play "Twin Bee Returns". Then, while playing, hit pause, Up Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, II, I in that order. The area around the "jigi" (this may refer to the austomatic probes that accompany you ?) turn white indicating the code was successfully entered. Now you will be able to play at full power."
There is no mention here of the other game which means the publishers discovered later and put it in the '97 edition or didn't know about it.