Poor mans CD repair, when disks are moderately scuffed or scratched, I have been able to, dependending on system(PC is worst due to higher temps in enclosed PC CD-ROMs), get the CD working again in those cases where a disk was just on the edge of readablity, for x amount of uses or play time before reaplication is required, by first making sure the disk is free of any dirt or dust etc., and then using the softest lint free cloth or non-abrasive wipes I have and common household furniture wax(Pledge is best). Don't laugh, I saved my second hand purchased Max Payne for PC this way and it still works requiring reapplication every 4-6hrs of use, internal heat breaks down wax eventually rendering null the scratch repairing effects, so mileage varies by application. I have used it for other used PC games plus a few new ones I got careless with and all have not had any issues with breakdown or discoloring, I have also used it on PS and PS2 games and DVDs too. My method has 4 basic steps(one can be skipped if your disk is free of dust etc.) A: gently clean disk of any dust or dirt/fingerprints, B: spray the disk from 6-10" inches away with spray wax to coat the disk surface evenly(just a light, even coat, also, you may want to do this over a sink or towel so you don't have spray wax to clean up later), C: let set a minute or two, then with the aforementioned lint and scratch-free cloth or wipes(ones safe for plastic lenses) wipe from the center hole out to the edge of the cd, advancing the disk and repeating until just a haze and water droplets are left, D: with a fresh wipe or new spot on your cloth and repeat, gently wiping the water and haze away, once the water is no longer left on the CD gently buff the haze away using the same motion(and new wipes) as needed, do not press down with anything beyond the most limpwristed amount of pressure, our goal is to leave a fine layer of wax behind, which if you wiped gently, should fill smaller(fine and avg.) scratches allowing proper scanning of the disc, depending on the severity you may "bandaid" heavier scratches using this method, to at least to get a copy of the disk for daily use archiving the damaged one if not get it playing for you.