I'm fixing a TurboExpress for commision, which was completely dead. No video or sound. I used some capacitors I had laying around and did both the sound and video fixes. They did nothing.
I looked closer at the SMD caps and found that they were ALL leaking except for the three 100uF 16v bigger caps. You can tell because there is a yellowish coloring on the leads.
I didn't want to cram leaded caps in there, so I found SMD replacements from Digikey.
1 8 493-2088-1-ND CAP 100UF 6.3V ELECT WX SMD 0 0.17000 $1.36
2 1 493-2118-1-ND CAP 22UF 35V ELECT WX SMD 0 0.17000 $0.17
3 1 493-2083-1-ND CAP 22UF 6.3V ELECT WX SMD 0 0.13000 $0.13
4 5 PCE3859CT-ND CAP ELECT 33UF 6.3V VS SMD 0 0.15200 $0.76
5 1 493-2099-1-ND CAP 10UF 16V ELECT WX SMD 0 0.13000 $0.13
6 5 PCE4643CT-ND CAP ELECT 4.7UF 35V VS SMD 0 0.15400 $0.77
7 5 PCE4304CT-ND CAP 4.7UF 50V ELECT VS BI-POLAR 0 0.28800 $1.44
8 3 493-2105-1-ND CAP 100UF 16V ELECT WX SMD 0 0.17000 $0.51
The part number is the third column. The Panasonic resistors can only be ordered in sets of 5.
After replacing all these capacitors the TE booted right up, and was loud as heck.
I'm pretty sure everyone is going to need to replace all the capacitors eventually. The video fix and audio fix are bandaids at best.
The bad capacitors:
These are the new ones. Hopefully you can't tell the difference, except for the one trace I lifted XD