I think it's a little bit of a stretch calling Blue Blink and New Adventure Island platform-shooters. A good number of the weapons in these games are lobbed and do not reach the other end of the screen. By your logic Super Mario Brothers would be a platform shooter because he can toss fireballs. Tossing and shooting aren't really the same thing. Monster Lair is a platform shooter- most of the weapons fire through the end of the screen.
In New Adventure Island, Blue Blink and Monster Lair your
only offense is to shoot. Jumping on enemies hurts you, so you're just dodging and shooting. Thats why they feature multiple projectile weapons.
In JJ & Jeff and Super Mario Bros(even with flower power), you not only jump on enemies to kill them, but they are integrated into the platforming and level design. In JJ & Jeff you also have the kick and spray can attacks, but the farts are only needed in special cases and the kicks are more for secrets. In these games, the main focus is on platforming.
JJ & Jeff is actually Wonderboy/Adventure Island with the shooting substituted with jumping on enemies.
The three Bonk titles, Axe I & II, Bonze Adventure, Doraemon Arabian Nights, Dracula Boy, Jackie Chan, Liquid Kids- all leagues better than JJ & Jeff- imo.
Again, those aren't as pure of platformers as JJ & Jeff. What makes most of those games cool are the things that make them unique/less platformy.