last time when i emulated the US magical chase in Magic Engine, where you can switch on/off the BG or sprite layers, i've discovered something strange. as we all learned, the pc engine is incapable of displaying a second BG-layer, most useful to create real parallax-scrolling as we know it well from the Mega drive etc.
but, parallax scrolling can be simulated by using huge sprite-fields or cheaply by some sync-scrolling (but which doesn't allowes to cross an object over the other -> scanline overlapping).
but when i swiched off the sprite layer in the fist stage of magical chase, the faster scrolling foreground still was there (us magical chase: wooden promenade; jap magical chase: tetris like BG). and it even can be scrolled in horizontal as well vertical directions.
so now the question is, how did they fool the pc hardware to be able to do that effect?
and furthermore, why other developers rarely didn't take advantage of that "trick"?
while i was checking a lot of games in ME to prove how they did the parallax, they always used the sprite-trick, except of magical chase.
i remember we talked about that before (with Bonknuts etc), but iirc in that discussion we came on the point that this must be a huge sprite drawed over the whole screen, but which isn't the case (unfortunately can't find the old thread)