Back in 94,Smartworks was selling Turbo Cd systems for 50 bucks a pop.They got them all from NEC in some deal they had going about that Duo interface card for pc to use your Duo as a PC cd-rom drive.Anyway,they made the card,and at the same time NEC killed the Duo stateside,and in a deal to make up lost money,gave Smartworks remaining TurboGrafx/Duo/Cd/Express hardware.They sold it at extremely nice prices needless to say.TZD because of the deal was only allowed to move Duo systems if you did a trade in of somekind for a few years there.Anyway,to get to the point.I went through 5 New Turbo cd systems in a 2 year period.The cd decks would die if I gave them normal use.Things would start off happening,like Fighting Streets,it would take excessive times to load a round,past the normal 9 second load time for that game.Vasteel was another one.Sometimes the decks wouldnt load at all,they would just sit there,and if I tapped them they would all the sudden load the data.I had one that would act insane,playing random music tracks and skipping around,which became annoying on a game like Cosmic Fantasy 2,because the end song sucked,and hearing it while playing the game made it worse.I had employees from Nec on the help line tell me it was due to heat damage.Those units were built very compact,not allowing for normal air and heat disipitation,so they would burn out,faster then the NeoGeo cd even.Needless to say,a couple of years ago,TZD was selling the cd drives themselves as replacement parts.I think the asking price was 50 bucks...go figure.