@Medic_wheat while it was similar to the things such as x68k and other things of that nature. NEC also produced their line of computers. Their first one being the NEC PC88 and then this one being the NEC PC 98. It was to a lot of eroge visual novels that have been featured on both the pc engine and the saturn. Things like Dead of the Brain, Steam Hearts, Yu-NO, Desire, Eve Burst Error and things of that nature. It was their 16/32 bit computer and had quite the color palette to really bring the characters to life. Here is a picture from eve burst error(
http://www.mobygames.com/images/shots/l/473043-eve-burst-error-pc-98-screenshot-wow-looking-stylish-marina.gif). Depending on the model they will either have 3.5 inch floppy drives, or the 5.2. This is an important note because some of the games are in different types of floppy formats, so that is also something to take into consideration. For example, Dead of the Brain 1 is on 3.5 inch floppy while the 2nd game is on 5.2 in. That is about the extent of my knowledge.
While I may not know the entire library of this computer in particular, however, PunkicCyborg will be able to possibly elaborate on the specs moreso than I could.