I like that they have a warehouse full of replacement copies and also send out an unknown number of additional copies of their "limited" games.
I want a physical copy of Wii U Fatal Frame, so I don't care if there are 50,000 of each 2,000 copy game if they can make my request happen; but I did get a chuckle out of the thought.
I would flip out if they or ANYONE did a physical release of that game for NA. I am happy it was release YES but as a download? Even after the UK got a physical copy? That just made no seance to me.
Lol, that was a surprising pertinent misspelling given the context.
If you plan to open your copy I'd swap with them, if you're just going to keep it sealed then I'd keep the punched out one since technically they are even more uncommon. Vic Ireland had the same problem with the games he has put out through Gaijinwork.
Sony employees get proof copies they're supposed to evaluate, but it appears most of them just keep them sealed and flip them on ebay as an extra source of income. If you think about it, that's an extra $50 or so for a new PS4 game or the like for something that was freely given to them, so they're probably doing quite well