Some recent game pickups, and goodwill pickups that I will cycle into games.
Ivy the Kiwi was a 35 BIN. The price on this game is soaring, I've had an open backorder of 4.99 for the game @ gamestop for 8 months now. I expect them to raise the price on this game and then finally have copies "appear" in their inventory just so can cancel my order around that time.
Paid 28.01 for these at goodwill. My friend got a bag of 8 as well for 20.26. I knew they had value, but didn't realize how expensive some of these get.
All of mine except for the Lucy Ghostbuster was complete (missing stand)
My friend had Duke in his bag, he couldn't find the gun and I suggested maybe it was in the suitcase.... and it was
The maid's are from Queen's Blade and you can change parts of their outfit upstairs and downstairs
I also had the milk parts to this rabbit girl from the same Queen's Blade toys... you can guess where the milk shoots from
Pro Tip: Do you have too many hot babes knocking at your house, just put one of these near your front door and those women pests will be no more.