Yu-Gi-Oh: The Dawn of Destiny, XGRA: Extreme G Racing Association, Star Trek: Shattered Universe, State of Emergency, Star Wars Obi-Wan, Spawn Armageddon, Silent Hill 2: Restless Dreams, Pure Pinball, Project Gotham Racing, Outlaw Golf 1/2, Nightcaster 1/2, Just Cause, Evil Dead: A Fistful of Boomstick, DIsney's Extreme Skate Adventure, American McGee Presents Scrapland, Battlestar Galactica.
well here's a breakdown on my feelings about a few of those:
Yu-Gi-Oh - I used to have a guilty spot for the card game (played it to pass the time as a lifeguard) and the video games kinda scratch that itch i still occasionally get.
XGRA: I actually like this game, though i've never really been able to put into words why
State of Emergency - I remember a lot of kids getting excited about this since it was "Edgy." but it's truly truly awful
Star Wars: Obi Wan - it's mediocre, but can be upgraded to kinda fun if you're a star wars fan
Silent Hill 2 - Not shitty at all, and it's the best console version of the game to date
Project Gotham Racing - not my style of racing game, but I've heard it's very good at what it does
Nightcaster 1/2 - They're objectively OK, but I still have a soft spot for this era of platformer
Evil Dead: A Fistful of Boomstick - ehhhhhh, it's at least better than the RE knockoff on DC
American McGee Presents Scrapland - the only game I'm talking about that I haven't played. I think it looks interesting, I'd love to hear your opinion once you get to play it.
so... i'm a dreamcast guy now? is that right? that doesnt sound right
well you did get like 4 of the best DC games in existence.
we still need a power stone 3