Also I've seen you on shout saying "THIS GAME BETTER BE AS GOOD AS YOU ALL SAY" or whatever. Or what? Let's say for laughter's sake that it blows- blows big time. You can then just add that to the burn in which you overpaid for it. There's no consequence involved whatsoever for those who love it and may have indirectly recommended it to you. Another thing- if you snoop around this site with your eyes a little more open- you'll find that the overall consensus of what the best PCE CD game is is more so Dracula X than Ys I & II. Yet another assumption pulled out of the cramped trunk of your ass.
LOL, I remember reading about the game in Gamepro around 91 with nice pics going "Ooooo, ahhhhhhh!!!". I started playing it for the first time in 2000. After seeing the fighting, I realized you walk into the enemy to attack them

. No buttons to press at all (of course when you get magics later on, it gets much more fun). Haha, I thought it sucked for a second. Then I started to play the game more and completely ended up loving it.
I guess you gotta have an appreciation of old games like this to begin with. It is easy to think this game isn't all that great if you don't really give it a chance playing many years later for the first time. I could only imagine being a 14 year old kid trying to go retro with the gaming and playing this one

I got the Duo pack-in version with the white case, no back insert, and 2 manuals that were the same

. All this for $16, with some wear. I actually think that was a little high at the time.