I do, actually. I have no problems telling anyone that I'm a gamer whenever I get the chance to. People are typically all right with it (though there was a peer or two that thought of it as awkward for me to be interested in them), as it's asked as something I like to do for fun or one of my interests. I've even made a few acquaintances and friends through exposing this fondness myself, YouTube or otherwise, also. However, the only real time I would keep my video game business private is if a family member were to walk in or ask what I was doing, and I was planning to play or playing them. I normally would stop or tell them that I'm hanging out/doing nothing special (which is, in part, true, since the activity is normal for me to do). I halt my doings in case they want to talk to me, and since I'm considered to be the only true gamer among it, I don't say much pertaining them due to the lack of proper understanding.
There are a few questions that I would like to ask you, too, Nintega: Since you fear exposing your interests for video games to new people you meet in real life, has the idea ever occurred to you that you could meet a YouTuber that you've had a great deal of contacting with in real life and they wanted to talk about games with you? Perhaps, even, were you scared of exposing your hobby when you've first became a member there (or anywhere else on the Internet, for that matter)? Lastly, have you tried to tell anyone (a good number of folks and the opposite gender, referringly) that you like to play them before? If not, when you have the opportunity to, tell someone that might be interested to hear that you do have a likeness for them, and see what happens. It may turn out better than what you think.