Author Topic: Honestly. Do you tell people you meet in real life that you are a gamer?  (Read 1256 times)


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I never hide my passion for games.  Some people understand it, others don't.. like anything else in life.


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Well people based on what you folks posted, I am coming to the conclusion that I'd probably fit in where ever you all live at because in my neck of the woods almost everyone, if not everyone period,  is judgemental, ignorant, and high strung. You'd lose some brain cells trying to makes friends with those spawns of Satan.  [-(

People are like that everywhere.

f*ck 'em. Do what you wanna do, and don't worry about what people think.
"Fun is a strong word." - SNK
"Today, people do all kind of shit." - Tatsujin


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I don't tell people that I'm a gamer unless they ask. And in that case I wouldn't have any problem admitting it since its nothing to be ashamed of.

Nintega Turbine Trio-CBS

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Holy flying monkey shit! I found this hilarious article in my brother's new Gamepro mag today  :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

This is the article:

How To: Date a Gamer Girl

Girls that game seem rarer than a Killtacular in Halo (Uh no shit?), but maybe you just aren't looking hard enough. More women are gaming every day (not the kind of gaming all of us are into keep in mind), so the time is ripe to impress. (You got to be f*cking kidding me)'s Raychul Moore tips us off to finding the gamer girl of your dreams. (Where did that looney tunes bitch get all this info from now?)

Now to the best parts. :lol: :lol: :lol:

1. Know your stuff...

Impress her with your knowledge of games, especially the ones she is interested in.

(So this Raychul thinks talking about the history of video games to a certain girl is going to have her think that I am not some basement dweller with no life? Riiight.)

5. Include her in your geeky obsessions

Chances are she has the same geeky interest as you The local comic store is re-opening> Invite her? An indy theater is showing Star Wars? Bring her! A friend is having a LAN party! Yep, you guessed it.

(Oh man, that woman must have took mad f*cking heroin when she wrote her article to Gamepro. I have never in real life met anyone of the opposite sex that enjoys my hobbies, let alone except me as the unique person I am. Sorry folks but you'll have to prove to me that more women are really playing video games because where I am at it is still the 80s and 90s.)
« Last Edit: June 23, 2008, 04:31:19 PM by Nintega Grafx-16 »


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I thought #6 said beat her like a girl.  :-s
Clowns Suck


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If it comes up in conversation, then I have no problem.  I honestly get more wierd looks from people, when they find out I'm not into sports, or anything, supposedly manly(dirt biking, motorcycles, wrestling, Nascar, getting high, getting drunk, etc.).  I guess some think it's wierd that I collect Transformers & watch anime, but even that stuff is more common these days.

Joe Redifer

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Paranoia, sounds like you're from the south.  I'm sorry man.  I'm so, so sorry.


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How could anyone not be into NASCAR, wrasslin' and football?  :P

ceti alpha

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How could anyone not be into NASCAR, wrasslin' and football?  :P

Haha. You said "wrasslin'".

Anyway, gamergirls are out there. I know a couple. It's funny, one of them actually invites me to go shopping with her at one of the local comic stores time to time. She's a SNES girl though. I told her I will change her misguided ways.

"Let the CAW and Mystery of a Journey Unlike Any Other Begin"


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If you can deal with cockroaches maybe you should move to the hipster part of Brooklyn Nintega.  There you'll find chicks who are into manga, retro video games, art, slasher films, tofu and pierced labias.  5 out of six ain't bad eh?  I hate tofu  :P.  Roaches aren't my bag either.  Was in Brooklyn friday for a Daniel Johnston show- and at a bar before the show- while drinking 4 dollar margaritas (they were very good) a baby counter crawler tried to reach my drink.  Sue would never kill a roach sober without crying and screaming- thank god she was tipsy and smashed the vile f*cker under a swatch of napkins.  :dance:  Killing cockroaches for the win!  :clap:

Quote from: Tatsujin
atm its just amateurish boytoy shizzle
Quote from: Tatsujin
they will bust me for consuming drug until they found out what it was in real

ceti alpha

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lol nice. Yeah, I'll kill anything that makes a move toward my drink.

"Let the CAW and Mystery of a Journey Unlike Any Other Begin"


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not the kind of gaming all of us are into keep in mind

So what?  Adults in adult relationships sometimes do things that they don't really want to do, such as him watching Sex and the City or her doing anal.

Where did that looney tunes bitch get all this info from now?

Broad life experiences, I suspect; something you are lacking.

So this Raychul thinks talking about the history of video games to a certain girl is going to have her think that I am not some basement dweller with no life? Riiight.

Can you read?  The article is about dating a gal already interested in games, not some random girl.  She also said to keep her interested by talking about the games she enjoys.  Imagine that, people enjoy talking to other people with shared interests.  Crazy talk, I tells ya!

I have never in real life met anyone of the opposite sex that enjoys my hobbies, let alone except me as the unique person I am. Sorry folks but you'll have to prove to me that more women are really playing video games because where I am at it is still the 80s and 90s.

I am convinced that we'll never be able to convince you that those of the fairer sex play games.  Many members have already stated that they play video games with their significant others, yet your head remains firmly entrenched in the sand.  If you'd actually listen to others, then you'd be able to expand your narrow mind; and if you'd pick up a newspaper, then you'd see that sexy ladies like these are indeed playing video games.  :wink:
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Nintega Turbine Trio-CBS

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Necro, Mr. Ostrich? WTF  :-s

And what do you mean I lack board life experiences?

Also Sinitron, I honestly never seen that part of Brooklyn you speak of. The Brooklyn I've been to long ago was just like Harlem (hobos everywhere, street thugs, $2 hoes, you name it)


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I'm talking about the Williamsburg part of Brooklyn.
from Wikipedia-

Williamsburg is home to a thriving art community and is largely associated with one of its main thoroughfares: Metropolitan and Bedford Avenue. Many ethnic groups have enclaves within Williamsburg, including Germans, Hasidic Jews, Italians, Puerto Ricans, and Dominicans. The neighborhood is also a magnet for young people moving to New York City.

Some residents view Williamsburg as a haven for established immigrant families, while other residents see it as an area of exclusive artists and hipsters. Still other residents see Williamsburg as a lively neighborhood with easy access to Manhattan. The sometimes-clashing definitions have been highlighted by a growing population and rapid development of housing and retail that is changing the look and feel of the neighborhood. Williamsburg is regarded by some music critics as an influential hub for indie rock.

As for Harlem- things have changed drastically.

also from Wiki-

After years of false starts, Harlem began to see rapid gentrification in the late 1990s. This was driven by changing federal and city policies, including fierce crime-fighting and a concerted effort to develop the retail corridor on 125th Street. Starting in 1994, the Upper Manhattan Empowerment Zone funneled money into new developments.[28] Finally, wealthier New Yorkers, having gentrified every other part of Manhattan and much of Brooklyn, had nowhere else to go. The number of housing units in Harlem increased 14% between 1990 and 2000[28] and the rate of increase has been much more rapid in recent years. Property values in Central Harlem increased nearly 300% during the 1990s, while the rest of the City saw only a 12% increase.[28] Even empty shells of buildings in the neighborhood were, as of 2007, routinely selling for nearly $1,000,000 each.[29] Former U.S. President Bill Clinton has rented office space at 55 West 125th Street since completing his second term in the White House in 2001.

So neither Brooklyn nor Harlem are as you think.  Things have changed man- you need to get out of your house a little bit more.

Quote from: Tatsujin
atm its just amateurish boytoy shizzle
Quote from: Tatsujin
they will bust me for consuming drug until they found out what it was in real

ceti alpha

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Yeah, I've heard that those areas have really seen a great deal of change. I wish I could've explored NYC more when I was there, but it's a big town and there's onlyso much time. Next time I go I'll take the Sinistron Tour.  :mrgreen:

"Let the CAW and Mystery of a Journey Unlike Any Other Begin"