Author Topic: Hey :)  (Read 738 times)


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Re: Hey :)
« Reply #15 on: June 27, 2008, 07:09:55 PM »
Rolins, that sucks about your parents getting sucked into the US real estate collapse. :( But it seems like your parents made out better than some. And enjoy the financial security of living at home and save some coin. Lots of my friends have done that - I've done that. lol. That's what parents are for. :D

Dude, that is crappy. I hope everything works out for you guys. All of my friends have been trying to live more frugally, for various reasons... thankfully (?) I've been able to stick to a very modest budget for the last year. One of these days I'm going to splurge and buy an mp3 player, dammit.

Thanks guys. Yeah, I plan to take it easy for a bit and watch my coffer get fatter. Though I better find a job soon, I can only mooch off my parents for so long. I'm praying for the day I'll move back to Cali. I seriously don't like it here in Vegas, people here give you more attitude than Angelenos.

Yeah, now that I'm back on the east coast, I am able to visit my parents all the time and NOTHING has really changed with them. It really feels like a time-warp... back to the old days :). They are still using an ancient bottle of aspirin that expired in 1991 (I think it was a bottle that I left at their house). With each passing year, my dad uses a handful of Q-tips, thereby ensuring that I will inherit them (he bought a carton of 250 Q-tips at some point in the 80's). I opened up a jar of "OxyPads" a month or two ago... I swear I bought them when I was in middle school / high school, which was well over 15 years ago.

Why do my parents still have all of "my" old stuff?   

Of course, my dad has his old Brill Cream from the 50's or 60's lying around somewhere, so I guess I shouldn't complain.

I can relate. My dad is a mild pack-rat. He doesn't want to throw anything way even if something is partially broken. The object would have to be shattered into tiny pieces for my dad to consider it thrash. If you were to see our garage we have boxes full of broken kitchen appliances, old knick knacks, TVs, chandeliers, fans, chairs, picture frames, candle holders, etc. The crap just keeps building every year. Not much I can do since he gets angry everytime I suggest downsizing his crap. I even mentioned donating the partially broken TVs and furniture to goodwill for the tax write off. After so many arguments, I gave up and let him do what he wants. My dad keeps saying he's storing it all for me when I branch out and have a family of my own. Gee, thanks dad... ](*,)

Sadly, I've been playing most of my games on my friggin' cell phone. Neo Gradius and Might & Magic have provided some long-term enjoyment, despite the crappy buttons, controls. Yeah, I've sunk to a new low.

As for old DOS games, I recently revisited BLOCKOUT... I friggin love that game. I thought I'd quickly get sick of it (I overplayed it back in the day), but I didn't get sick of it...

Which reminds me, I've been wanting to check out Betrayal at Krondor (DOS) for a few months now, simply because I was curious about thisunreleased TG-16 game. I don't know anything about the author, or Riftwar, so I thought it might be a fun place to start.

Neo Gradius? I wish I can get that on my phone but it's too low end. It gets crappy games and I crave shmups. Galaga and asteriods doesn't really help much to fill the void. :(

I also checked out Betrayal at Krondor. I got interested after watching a vblog of Spoonyone, he mentioned it was great RPG so I gave it a shot. I'll say off the bat that this game is not my cup of tea. I could never get used to RPGs in first-person view.


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Re: Hey :)
« Reply #16 on: June 28, 2008, 01:41:12 AM »
My dad keeps saying he's storing it all for me when I branch out and have a family of my own. Gee, thanks dad... ](*,)[/url]

Dude, we'll be stoked when we get our inheritance of 1 million rubber bands (you know, the ones that are used to hold produce, like asparagus, together at the supermarket). Oh, and the 8 million twistie-ties will be icing on the cake.

Neo Gradius? I wish I can get that on my phone but it's too low end. It gets crappy games and I crave shmups. Galaga and asteriods doesn't really help much to fill the void. :(

I also checked out Betrayal at Krondor. I got interested after watching a vblog of Spoonyone, he mentioned it was great RPG so I gave it a shot. I'll say off the bat that this game is not my cup of tea. I could never get used to RPGs in first-person view.

Yeah, Betrayal at Krondor is not my first love either. I'm going to give it some time this summer, though.

As for Galaga (my wife has that on her cell phone)... the controls totally destroy that game. It's the layout of the buttons on her phone...

We always buy these games in moments of desperation, of course. I think that is the whole business model behind mobile gaming... we're a captive, desperate, deranged demographic.
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ceti alpha

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Re: Hey :)
« Reply #17 on: June 30, 2008, 09:06:00 AM »
My dad keeps saying he's storing it all for me when I branch out and have a family of my own. Gee, thanks dad... ](*,)[/url]

Dude, we'll be stoked when we get our inheritance of 1 million rubber bands (you know, the ones that are used to hold produce, like asparagus, together at the supermarket). Oh, and the 8 million twistie-ties will be icing on the cake.

Neo Gradius? I wish I can get that on my phone but it's too low end. It gets crappy games and I crave shmups. Galaga and asteriods doesn't really help much to fill the void. :(

I also checked out Betrayal at Krondor. I got interested after watching a vblog of Spoonyone, he mentioned it was great RPG so I gave it a shot. I'll say off the bat that this game is not my cup of tea. I could never get used to RPGs in first-person view.

Yeah, Betrayal at Krondor is not my first love either. I'm going to give it some time this summer, though.

As for Galaga (my wife has that on her cell phone)... the controls totally destroy that game. It's the layout of the buttons on her phone...

We always buy these games in moments of desperation, of course. I think that is the whole business model behind mobile gaming... we're a captive, desperate, deranged demographic.

I have Galaga on my mobile phone as well. Actually, my ring tone is the Galaga intro. hehe :mrgreen: As for the controls of the game on the cell phone, yeah, it sucks. Not only the controls, but the fact that you can't fire and move at the same time just makes the game totally unplayable. However, my Ms. Pac Man gets plenty of action.  8)

"Let the CAW and Mystery of a Journey Unlike Any Other Begin"


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Re: Hey :)
« Reply #18 on: June 30, 2008, 09:52:57 AM »
I have Galaga on my mobile phone as well. Actually, my ring tone is the Galaga intro. hehe :mrgreen: As for the controls of the game on the cell phone, yeah, it sucks. Not only the controls, but the fact that you can't fire and move at the same time just makes the game totally unplayable. However, my Ms. Pac Man gets plenty of action.  8)

Exactly! You can't fire and move at the same time. Neo Gradius has an "auto-fire" option to compensate for this... you'd think the Du'Massio's working on the mobile version of Galaga would have thought of this, hmmmm, on an hourly basis.

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Re: Hey :)
« Reply #19 on: June 30, 2008, 09:55:28 AM »
you assume somebody gives a shit about the quality of cellphone games. you assume wrong.
"Fun is a strong word." - SNK
"Today, people do all kind of shit." - Tatsujin


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Re: Hey :)
« Reply #20 on: June 30, 2008, 10:06:52 AM »
you assume somebody gives a shit about the quality of cellphone games. you assume wrong.


I've heard that, on average, the quality of cellophane games is better... perhaps I'll venture into this new territory for my gaming needs.
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Re: Hey :)
« Reply #21 on: June 30, 2008, 11:35:56 AM »
Summer is always a busy time for me at work so i will be more scare at times on here :roll:. My boss who has about 6 weeks holidays takes them off and on during the summer which puts me next in line for being in charge which i freak'n hate!!!!!!! but there is good news for me i am going on an Alaskan Crusie in less than 2 weeks, :D sweet jesus i cannot wait but that will mean a full week without the old internet :shock: hmmmm…i wonder if they have some sort of public internet setup there, if so i will jump on the chat one night and let ya know how things are going :D

ceti alpha

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Re: Hey :)
« Reply #22 on: June 30, 2008, 01:17:21 PM »
you assume somebody gives a shit about the quality of cellphone games. you assume wrong.

Well, I certainly don't, but I do like the classic arcade games to keep me busy while I'm waiting for whatever it is I'm waiting for at the time, or while I'm sitting on the throne.  :mrgreen: But it is annoying when you pay for a game and you find out later it's completely useless.

"Let the CAW and Mystery of a Journey Unlike Any Other Begin"