it kinda reminds me of Ultima:Exodus.
Just like a rousing game of Hungry Hungry Hippos, this was a competition. Guyjin came closest to winning, but alas, you're all losers (with the possible exception of Joe Joe Joe Redifer).
Anyway, it's an enemy wizard from my favorite RPG of all time: Ultima Quest of the Avatar, NES version.
And the point of posting that here is??
It's the new avatar appreesh thread. I'm not so conceited that I would start the 'vestcoat's new avatar appreesh thread.' Others are welcome to blow their own horns. BTW, did bust3dstr8 just put up a new one? I didn't notice it moving before.
Your new avatar is really cool, VestCoat. I thought of it as a dragon warrior (one that could possibly perform magic) when I first looked at it. Bust3Dstr8 has his "sway and punch Kunio-Kun" icon for quite a while up to this point (I've noted to first see it back around April).
Mine is still the best. I stare at it for at least two hours a day. Mine was voted "Best Avatar EVAR" on Entertainment Tonight as well as in Time Magazine. Shinobi should have wore some sunscreen!
I quite agree (though Black Tiger's is a close competitor to the type of greatness that it has). It makes you look like a serious butt-kicker, even when joking. I wanted to try to best it in a staring contest, but have never gotten the chance to...I wonder what would happen if both of Shinobi's eyes were poked :-"...
some years ago i was used to use this avatar:
i think it is a great avatar. someone figure out what it is?
I think its that dude from the porno 2600 game Either that or a 2600 ice skater
very wrong. and it's really from a game, everbody should be aware off. EVERYBODY! it's for sure kinda worldfamous. it even was ported to teh PC ENGINE!
It looks as if a dragon, that only stands on two legs and wingless, is holding an egg on its belly and is constantly turning around. I also thought of it as a plant (specifically a tree or some kind of bush) swaying in the wind when I first had a glimpse of it (maybe its from Dragon Egg or Lode Runner?).
It was good that you were able to make a topic such as this, VestCoat. Since I change my avatar monthly, it'll help to show the new icons I have for others to see, instead of needing to post in any given topic to do so (what do folks think of my current Dragon Spirit if they wish to give an opinion, also?).