you know, i still haven't gotten a chance to revisit bravoman. i did pop in Wonderboy III (sega master system) to compare it to the TG16 version... of course, I only ended up playing the SMS for a few minutes before my daughter woke up. note to self: turn off the phone when baby is sleeping!
also, i'm not sure if you know this, but Hudson made an update of Bonk for Gamecube (I have it) and possibly other platforms (PS2?)...
I don't think it's called "PC-Genjin" (which was a play on "PC-Engine")... but I could be wrong... I'll find a link soon... first review i ever saw, and it was a good one, was on, i think)
it's very kool (Gamecube version)... i use Freeloader to overcome the region codes. Supposedly, you can unlock some bonus items (maybe PC-Engine commercials for the original Bonk?)... I still haven't played the entire game even though i've had it for a long time now ...
yes, i want more pc-engine heroes to show up in modern games. We need a new Legendary axe!!!!
also, i like Veigues Tech.. Gladiator... i would love another game like that. of course, most folks think it is an average game.