Old post, but after 2 years finally got around to replacing the internal battery. I used a 2025 and the following items finish the install:
* Goo Gone - clean up all the goop inside
* Gorilla Tape (tape the contacts to the battery
* Hot glue gun - seal the sucker back up
It wasn't that bad at all. Getting the old battery off was a bit tricky. And also when laying down the glue I had to quickly spread the glue then throw the cover back on. Works like a champ now! My card didn't die, but didn't want to wait until I did. I bought two banks so I could fix one, transfer all the files to that one, then do the second one.
I also slightly dremelled the cover from the inside since it was a tight fit with the battery and the gorilla tape, but you cant tell from the outside. Pics soon and I will post an English guide.