So is there a TOSEC set for these Hu cards?? I have the "GoodPCE 1.09" set but some of the ROMS suffer from "bitswapping" and I can't get them to run on my systems due to the fact that they are bad dumps and if I try to just find those certain ROMS loose they tend to b the same thing. If not TOSEC (as I don't think the have one

) could someone point me to where or what set I should get. Air Zonk, Space Harrier, and Ghost Manor are a few that i Have found since manually editing the US set. A few I have been able to find the set that needs to be changed by simply not using the whole string to search for but these I can't seem to do. I hae read the other post but none have really gave any detail on how to go about getting a "proper" dump. I mean is it that hard to dump a Hu Card that TOSEC won't even fuss with it??