Hawaiian pizza is the only stuff I'll eat from the crapshack known as "Dominoes" (that's not entirely true. I should say the only stuff I'll eat from them when sober). I believe they just use ham though- not Canadian bacon.
You live on the island and you eat Dominoes? Thee Domino's? That's like the ultimate sin. No good. I live in the middle of the desert, and I still stay as far away from Dominos, Pizzahut, Popa Johns(super nasty), etc. I grew up on huge home made sicilian pizzas. My father forbade us from eating that "card board CRAP". Luckily there's a
few good pizza places here in the old pueblo I can eat, since pizza is just too expensive to make all the time.
As for pineapple on pizza, never in the million years. That's just nasty. All kinds of other stuff goes though - like 'feta cheese+garlic+broccoli' topping.