Author Topic: problem with a member here attempting to profit  (Read 1509 times)

Michael Helgeson

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Re: problem with a member here attempting to profit
« Reply #15 on: August 09, 2008, 06:37:26 PM »
I really don't give a shit about people doing this. Its slightly annoying that Atr3yu seems to post about nearly nothing but buying and selling, but its just an irritant. Its nothing major.

Yea,you tend to only give a shit when something is being done to you personally,or when you wanna sound good on your radio show. Thats why you lack friends here. Empathy, its something you should really work on. Quoth (me too) tried to help the guy out on other deals and the man attempted his bs. It wasn't just the lame price gouge and hoping Quoth would be stupid and bite, it was also the fact the guy kept asking people for stuff then backing out of deals, making incomplete payment,ect. Just a bunch of stuff that adds up,and Quoth and myself too were trying to still cut the guy slack and let him make purchases until he tried his shit.


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Re: problem with a member here attempting to profit
« Reply #16 on: August 12, 2008, 06:08:32 PM »
So, uh, did atr3yu delete his own account or was he banned?  It's a bit of strange that his account is now gone.
I'm not sorry about this, as I'm not sorry about ANY attack by the goverrats.


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Re: problem with a member here attempting to profit
« Reply #17 on: August 12, 2008, 06:12:03 PM »
He actually closed it of his own accord (which doesn't bode well)..though he did follow thru with a few trades he had going.
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Re: problem with a member here attempting to profit
« Reply #18 on: August 13, 2008, 12:38:50 PM »
At least he left on his own.  Maybe he realized the err of his ways.


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Re: problem with a member here attempting to profit
« Reply #19 on: August 13, 2008, 01:40:56 PM »
Seems like a hell of a lot of work to go through for $10 profit. ($15) I mean just the time it took to write the emails, research, etc.  If you spent the same amount of time doing even the lowest paying real-life job, you would make more money.

Unless there is some satisfaction in scamming people I wonder why someone would even bother.

Bad form.

Dark Fact

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Re: problem with a member here attempting to profit
« Reply #20 on: August 13, 2008, 03:17:49 PM »
Price scalping is a practice I detest with every fiber of my being.  This is why I don't do shit like eBay.  I also can't stand people who would buy something off of one person and sell that same thing for a higher price immediately afterwards just to turn a profit.  For God's sake, if you buy something that you're not gonna use, you're just better off not buying it period. 

Unfortunately, due to the free market system online, what Atr3yu is doing is not illegal.  The guy (as much as it sickens me to say this) does have a right to do this online.  It may not be the most ethical of business practices, but it is legal.

Sorry, but I don't see your library card on the books of Ys.  Now, RETURN THEM TO ME!!!


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Re: problem with a member here attempting to profit
« Reply #21 on: August 13, 2008, 03:20:06 PM »
I don't think the legality was called into question.  Poor taste, lack of morals maybe ;)
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Dark Fact

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Re: problem with a member here attempting to profit
« Reply #22 on: August 13, 2008, 03:37:22 PM »
Lack of morals is an understatement.  More like no morals. :evil:

Sorry, but I don't see your library card on the books of Ys.  Now, RETURN THEM TO ME!!!


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Re: problem with a member here attempting to profit
« Reply #23 on: August 14, 2008, 02:34:54 AM »
what burns my tits about this kind of shit is that he was some noob trying to act like he was getting into the system- acting overly friendly- but he was really just here to try to dupe our little community for a few quick bucks- like we're all a bunch of stupid little moes who won't get hip to the gag.  Good riddance- though we may not have seen the last of him- it'd be no surprise for a p.o.s. like him to make a new screen name and try to pull the same shit again.  He was a red flag to me from the start though with his shimmery green avatar/banner, his Atr3yu screen name and him acting overly buddy buddy with us from day one- aside from me noticing him talking only about other systems.  Mike also said that he was on shout from jump street saying something about how he likes to steal stuff...  I don't really know the context of that but yeah- the guy's a forking weasel.

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atm its just amateurish boytoy shizzle
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they will bust me for consuming drug until they found out what it was in real


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Re: problem with a member here attempting to profit
« Reply #24 on: August 14, 2008, 06:18:14 PM »
I haven't said anything on this thread since it's initial posting, because I figured everything would take it's course as it usually does around here...not to mention I had to leave for a trip.

Either way, just about everyone here has had something to say; some have no problem with what he did, some consider it a crime worse than child molestation, and some have come up with some of the worst comparison examples of bullshit that have nothing to do with the same type of situation, that they would have just been smart to think prior to typing. I think it has brought up some good points, and it has shown other things as well.

This has been posted over at AtariAge, and a few people have posted on it, acting like it was posted in their forum or something.

First off, I have NO PROBLEM with people profiting off of games; within certain stipulations. Having a game for months/years then making a profit off of it - there is nothing wrong with this. I have done that myself too many times to count - and that is a completely different situation to this whole thing. An example of that would have been what I did a few months ago: I sold my entire collection of sealed PS1 duplicates. Considering that I paid only $50 for some of these back when they came out, I resold some of them for over $100, and some even went for $200. There is nothing wrong with that; that is called holding on to something for a while, then selling it - obviously certain items/collectibles go up in price. I mean look at Dynastic Hero on Turbo CD. Not to mention I am into Arcade hardware/PCBs...anyone that knows anything about that stuff knows how much the stuff sells for sometimes, and if you don't do your research, you can really get f*cked. I have bought some pretty pricey boards, so I know the drill on that.

However, buying one item from someone here on the forum, then turning around immediately after, and trying to sell to another member for profit is what I have problem with, same goes for other members around here.

Atr3yu states that he paid $10 for shipping. IF that is true - maybe Atr3yu should have been looking at that prior to buying - who in the hell charges $10 for 1 game, that weighs less than a CD? That's a rip off if true, which I am questionable about...another member here supposedly bought 4 games from RR1980 and didn't get charged $10.

Secondly, I have seen Atr3yu use my sale of a loose US copy of New Adventure Island versus the complete JP PC Engine version that he was trying to sell me, as an excuse. First off, anyone that knows ANYTHING about this stuff can tell you: PC Engine games do NOT sell for the same price as US Turbografx games. What does that mean? That means that NAI on Turbo complete sells for MORE than the PC Engine version complete. It's the same way with lots of other games, and sometimes the other way around. Fine examples of this would be Bonk 3 for Turbo versus PC Genjin 3, PC Genjin 3 goes for way less, same for Dynastic Hero. The same can be said for Ninja Spirit on PC Engine, it goes for more than the US version. Why is this? Certain games didn't get as much release in the US as they did in Japan, or they are more sought after. People seem to be quick to forget that in Japan, the PC Engine did as well as the Super Nintendo, while over here in the US, everyone and their brother wanted the Super Nintendo, so the TurboGrafx had a much smaller sales footprint and niche category than the Super Nintendo did, as such, stock went untouched, unpurchased and there are less copies out there of certain titles etc. etc. I'm not going to turn this into a gaming history lesson, so just use your brain.

Summary - New Adventure Island on TurboGrafx sells for about twice as much as the PC Engine version.

Atr3yu up and leaving by closing out his account in the middle of this is plain out deserving of one word: Childish.
He didn't even attempt to stick around more than a day to explain himself, or anything else, he just ran. He ran so fast that he barely had time to read this thread probably. Supposedly he had open deals with people, and some people are saying he completed those and came through, which is the right thing to do, but I have also heard from some people that he ran off on others, so I don't know what to believe. Case in point, he had no reason to leave here unless he had something to hide.

There were plenty of people here that saw red flags out of his behavior, and it is within reason; I even saw it myself. It seemed like he was getting ahead of himself in deals, saying he wanted so and so game one minute, then backing out the next, or saying he didn't need it anymore, and not just with me. That kind of activity raises red flags with people. Also, supposedly having more than 1 eBay account does as well. It wasn't just these things, but other things as well. If you ignore your instincts that are raised upon things that you are told to watch for and things that other people have pulled in the past, then you are stupid. There is nothing bad about being enthusiastic about buying or being in the hobby, but when you start acting certain ways about trades and purchasing, and being 'funny with your money', then it raises red flags on people, especially when you supposedly just sold a bunch of other stuff, have more money coming in from stuff that is going to be sold, and can't make another payment on something when the money has been refunded to you, because it went to your bank account. I won't go into this, but the whole situation sounded funny to me, considering I know how Paypal works with balances, etc.

Also, Atr3yu's excuses I have been reading elsewhere are rather pathetic; comparing other systems as well as pack in games being overpriced...kinda funny some of the stuff he says. Leads me to heavily believe that he doesn't know what he is talking about when it comes to a lot of things, including shipping, as well as the members here. Funny that someone who closed out their account here because he was being confronted about this issue thinks he knows so much about the members here. He was here a shorter time period than I have been.

He also states that I am mad that he wouldn't sell me the game for what I wanted, er actually his exact words were: 'Only problem I have isn't even with the topic starter as he is simply mad I wouldn't sell him for what HE wanted.'

I'm going to leave that with a simple phrase that he seemed to over look that was in the first post on this thread:
Quote from: quoth09
I'm just kinda like whatever about it personally in this specific incident, but it's one of those things that if it was any other day I would possibly be pissed off. I have other things to worry about than this right now is why.

Yeah, I'm so angry here. I'm just filled with so much rage here that you wouldn't sell me the same exact game that I can get elsewhere, for the same exact price that I offered that I can get elsewhere also. I offered that price, because it was what you paid + $5 shipping, which is FAIR. If you paid $10 for shipping, you are stupid, and maybe you need to be talking to the person that you purchased it from. No one cares to see your Paypal receipt. Also, kinda funny that you go from naive about acting like you don't even know what the title of the game is, to having 2 copies of it a few days later, when you purchased at least one of them over 2 weeks prior to asking me what the correct title was. I could understand if you didn't like the game, but there was no reason here for you to lie about that; hell you didn't even know if it was complete or if it had a spine prior to me me saying so. What I did have a problem with is this crap of
I was thinking around 40 shipped
, trying to get me to do some fishing for a price, when you should have been saying $30 shipped, right off the bat, which I would have had no problem with, and promptly paid you, but you didn't even bother countering my offer, just plain turned it down, because you wanted to make 15$ off of me; and yeah you can say you paid $10 shipping again if you want, but I can also say again: If you paid $10 for shipping, you are stupid.
If I pay $10 for shipping on 1 or 2 Turbo games, I better be getting them for cheaper than value to even consider that; This isn't Canada to US shipping here.

Everyone else has pretty much said what needed to be said, and some people would have been better not saying anything at all. I also think that Atr3yu could have stuck around a little bit longer, as this would have blown over, and possibly turned to a different direction, because overall it seemed that people here liked him other than little things. Pretty sad to just run the other direction so quickly and not even give a valid explain, or say anything to me after wards either.

None the less, what it comes down to is that if you want to buy stuff then immediately resell it and try to make a profit or lie to people, take it to eBay or some other forum. There are plenty of suckers elsewhere. People here are not stupid. This is in place so newcomers don't get ripped off, which price gauging seems to happen more with Turbo stuff than anything else. Yeah, sure people can pay what they think something is worth, but a lot of people are sick and tired of paying so and so price for something, just because a few select elite think that it's worth something that it shouldn't be, just because they want to profit off of people that know no better, or because they have the only copies currently around. That is no way to set standards.

Either way, I'm done here.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2008, 06:35:36 PM by quoth09 »
Warm milk, turkey, those can make you sleepy(well, the consumption of, you can't just hand around a turkey or a glass of warm milk, & expect to fall asleep).

Michael Helgeson

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Re: problem with a member here attempting to profit
« Reply #25 on: August 14, 2008, 07:29:45 PM »
ATR3YU ! ! !   I never said I was certain you never sent the money order, just wasn't certain but did state you sent proof you purchased it. However, your other problems I mentioned were what the subject was about. The fact you lied,were being deceitful and mis-representing of values, and all around time wasting on us, even after we gave you multiple chances is the problem. You coulda made right,but chose to run off. It has been suggested that due to your previous lying,ect that you may try to claim I cashed the money order (which arrived today) on different forums to make me look bad,even if I send it back,as I would have no proof I did unless I buy extra shipping,which Im not going to do.

 The alternative to this was to destroy the money order and post it publicly,thus preventing you from partaking in any lying about me,and all around just stealing your thunder and paying you back for wasting OUR time. So now you can go file a claim for the money order as not cashed,lost,ect. I have torn it up and will mail it back to you via snail mail.

So now for this communities amusement,I present THE FALL OF STARSCREAM ! ! !

« Last Edit: August 14, 2008, 10:28:03 PM by Michael Helgeson »


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Re: problem with a member here attempting to profit
« Reply #26 on: August 14, 2008, 07:59:43 PM »
So now for this communities amusement,I present THE FALL OF STARSCREAM ! ! !

 :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

I can't believe you actually ripped apart his MO. :lol:
« Last Edit: August 14, 2008, 08:01:18 PM by rolins »


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Re: problem with a member here attempting to profit
« Reply #27 on: August 14, 2008, 11:07:39 PM »


Also, I posted a thread about this over at atariage.
The response seems to be that we are hopelessly naive, with one a$$hole even saying Atreyu should sue you/us for slander. :roll: > atariage.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2008, 11:37:59 PM by guyjin »
"Fun is a strong word." - SNK
"Today, people do all kind of shit." - Tatsujin


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Re: problem with a member here attempting to profit
« Reply #28 on: August 15, 2008, 12:05:46 AM » > atariage.

Word life.  8)

Michael Helgeson

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Re: problem with a member here attempting to profit
« Reply #29 on: August 15, 2008, 12:10:16 AM » > atariage.

And that's why Atariage doesn't get Megatron.