Regarding using the FXGA with a PC-98 laptop, this page may be of help: recently bought a PC-9821Xe/U7W desktop off eBay. It came with a SCSI card, a PHOTOPAQ-98 card, and a 12-card expansion box full of exotic controller cards, like for RS-485 and GPIB and Sysmac Link. ^_^
It uses a proprietary keyboard interface, the ancient "bus mouse" interface for mice, and a DA-15 connection for the monitor(normal "VGA" uses DE-15). But, I have it working, for the most part. FXGA isn't usable yet, I haven't set up all the software for it, but it does start up when the machine starts to that point)
(Oh yeah, holding "GRPH" and "2" down when turning the power on will force it to display using a 31KHz video mode, rather than the 24KHz default mode, which most modern monitors don't like)