I've had it since FallingJunk was known as RisingStuff!
Unrelated but, I've always wondered why people seem to hate on Rising Stuff. Granted, I only shopped there sometime but that was because of a personal lack of money$ - the times I did, things worked out pretty well. : /
Sensei (Kevin), stepped down from most of the sales/customer relations (he had a kid, and crap). Then, Alex stepped in.
Alex is about as competent/useful as a condom with a hole in it.
Orders would get jacked up, Alex would drag his feet with fixing stuff (and then post pictures of himself on Facebook laying with money, like the hipster gaijin tool he is.)
You'd have things special ordered for you and they'd just get thrown up on the site store for others to buy right out from under you. Making special orders basically mean "hey help stock the store, I'm a dumbass!". I loled at the one MSX cart on their site called "Scaptrust". The game is called Crimson. The stylized katakana must have confused Alex, so he just went with the plain-english SCAPTRUST text on the cart and used that as the title instead. Because, publisher names are the same as game names and all!
Alex would say "Hey I am getting a buncha these things in". You'd say you might want one, then back out when the things suck, and he'd get mad.
I had this happen with PC-98's. He got some in, untested. Had no idea how to use them and couldn't tell me shit about them, so I passed. He acted like I forced him into ordering PC-98s. really, he was already getting them in. He got more than one. If I had him order them, I wouldn't have special ordered 3+ of them. Retard.
Then there was this christmas/holiday sale. I ordered like 30 things and was told to wait to pay because one item wasn't in yet.
I sent various PMs over the course of SIX MONTHS. No replies from Alex. Then I hear from someone else that my stuff was lost in the mail . Why wasn't I told? I should be the first to know!
A year goes by. Still nothing. Lot's of unanswered PMs. Huge blow out on this forum about how jacked RisingStuff became. Kevin stepped back in and tried to resolve it. It would have been fine, but coincidentally, Japan shipping costs shot way up, making it not worth it to complete my now year-old order. I passed on it, thankful that Kevin tried to fix things, and still pissed off that someone as stupid as Alex was allowed to take over.
Not to mention, every time there was a problem, Alex would always attack the customer. He'd pass blame onto the CUSTOMER, and make it out like they're being a whiney bastard. he's registered on this forum as JapanesePeso, and he has posted here and on other forums just to start bitching at people who were upset about his jank-ass customer service.
This basically made most people come to hate rising stuff in favor of Hit Japan/ Game of Japan.
HJ/GoJ always comes through, has good customer service, and prompt service.