It is amusing that you get your piece in on page three- where you essentially not only AGREE with the posts regarding Rising's stupidity- "WTF, are they trying to be funny or something? I don't get it" but BEGIN a whole new thread of bitterness by blasting a former member who's no longer here to defend himself- "The guy is f*cking pathetic and needs help"- but then when posts follow further expounding on Rising's stupidity- on a thread entitled ""- that you ALREADY agreed with- that then it's time for everyone to chill out-
Is it actually beyond your comprehension that I think every side of this argument is totally insane? Do I really have to permanently align myself with one of these wack jobs? Is false dichotomy the only option?
RS don't have the slightest clue what they are doing when it comes to satisfying customers. Unless they learn from this they will never be businessmen...except in the telecom business, of course.
Mike is a looser who is psychotically obsessed with the underground video games sales and trades scene. The energy he devotes to this cause could be so much better spent on something else.
Nectarsis, evidently, has become Mike's sidekick...I hope that doesn't come with an outfit.
Being "negative" and being a vindictive vengeful eBay sheriff who literally follows people around the net and starts shit with them everywhere they can be found aren't the same thing. And Hitler...Hitler has nothing to do with this. I think, once again, that someone has taken things a bit to far, if Hitler has come into the story.
You people are so f*cking obsessed with the politics of who's on who's side, and who said what in a thread about how to solder or something years ago that you have strayed from the current topic.
And you type too much. Seriously, if you can't make your point in less than 10,000 words perhaps you are just spouting and don't have much of a point in the first place other than, "I'm the best, I win". I normally don't recommend psychiatry, or thesis statements, but in your guys' case...both may be called for.
RS isn't Buy Rite or Crazy Dion. They don't have the resources or the malevolency to commit that level of crime, and you guys aren't making the world a better place by rescuing us from them. RS should just fill or refund all the outstanding orders, TODAY, and see if anyone buys anything from them again. You guys have made your point, now go put your next door neighbor under citizens arrest for jay walking or something.