Great new,you can create some animated 3d( filled polygons)If you have the cd put it you cd rom go to my computer and click amateur_cd .
If you go to the to the partsams,is the parts assembler can put the image on the cd and work whit it.go to the 3rd option(p) and click the first one (ins) you can chose a 3d image of spaceship number or some weird color you can extend move left right the image.A don't no how to save you work.
If you want animate some image go to genie1 and click medit a another workstation for animated can choose an image on the cd work whit it ad some effect and view it.Go to the 3rd option(m) and you have 2 choice ,the first one (f)is the object you place but it can move the 2rd (M) is the animated object.exemple,if you click(m),click(f) go to the file attaker and click attaker 1 a spider thing.Go to (m) go to battlesh and click battle 1 you see a triangle thing in you workstation.go to (m) choose effect click _beamblu.fsc you see some thing yellow in the push play and the object cant put a another object ,effect rotate move the cameraZoom ect .ANd a dont't no how to save you work
P.S some image cant take long time to load because i believes the computer need the pc fxga to faster loading and sory for my anglais