This is my first post here! I am RayXambeR from ReVival magazine (devoted to homebrew video game scene and retrogaming too! I have been in contact in the past with Aaron and his website is always fantastic!
So, concerning Ruruli Ra Rura I need some help. I have found the first five characters (so, the liquid guy is my last) and I don't know what to do now. I have explored (I suppose) all the places I haven't accessed before (with cracks, etc.)
I have reached a level where there is a little waterfall (by going to the right down corner of the cavern, enter in a crack and go to the left of the screen).
It is impossible to pass through it. But there is some water down. I have try with the frog: it can go in the water but can't go out! Is it "normal" or is it a bug in this game?
It could be great if someone in this forum can guide me to find the sixth character!
Many thanks!