Just a heads up.
The pressing people are lame and FORGOT to tell me until Friday that the masters I sent them both have a "minute pinhole scratch".
I checked the disc under a lamp with a magnifying lens before mailing it and the second copy. They were mint. I call shenanigans.
They only operate on M-F, so you see the problem with being told on FRIDAY. A new batch of masters is heading to them after class today.
They DID tell me if I forked them like, 500+$ they'd make sure they get done by my original date.
I again, call shenanigans. They are looking for more money!
Hope noone is too bummed about an extra few days before getting the game!
I myself am though since there wont be any to sell at the show. Which really ticks me off.
NationWide Disc is off the preferred list of pressers for life now.