Sol Bianca - ソルビアンカFirst there was a 60min Anime (one "episode"). (April 1990)
Then came the PCE game based on it. (June 1990) years later they did a second 60min "episode". (May 1992)
Years later they did a re-imagination/re-design kind of thing on it as Manga. (dunno the release date - don't care much for manga)
Based on
that manga they did a 6-episode series (30mins each) called Sol Bianca: The Legacy.
I'm a sucker for the franchise. Even though the PCE RPG is nothing to write home about, if you don't care about the franchise. (Me myself, I'm biased, obviously: I saw the original Anime on a laserdisc (! LOL) waaaaay back when. It may well have been the first Anime I ever saw. And few I saw since then I liked as much.
The setting with the all female cast just had some magic chemistry to it.)
I like both the original as well as the legacy anime loads. They are very very different, yet obviously similar.
I suggest that all guys who get their transcendental calm from listening to female singers (not pop starlets!) go watch it.