i always ask my self, why the hell of all 8/16bit systems exactly the '87 PCE is the action queen? she came out exactly 1yr (plus 2 days) before the MD and more than 3yrs before the SFC, which is a big gap of time. but she beats em all!!
Yeah, me too. The PCE/TG16 single handedly lured me back into 16 bit gaming. Genesis was ok, but the colors are washed out, and the sound is terrible. The SNES was prettier, but I dislike (and still do) the types of games that Nintendo usually publishes. In short, I really didn't care about anything post Atari. Then, this summer, I lucked into about 75% of the TG16 library in one fell swoop. I had one, back in the day, but I picked it up only when Toys R Us was clearing them out, and I only had a couple of the less popular titles.
As I played all the games, I was simply astounded at how good many of them were, and how much faster (than snes) and prettier (than genesis) the games were, on average. There were a lot of original titles as well. I joined here, and you guys pointed me towards the PC Engine, and once I opened THAT door, well, the genie was definately out of the bottle. The NEC systems are firmly cemented as my favorite 16 bit systems of all time, hands down.
It's for several reasons too. First, regardless what the on-paper specs are, the Turbo/PCE just look way better on a real TV. The colors are bright and vibrant, and generally detailed. The sound is the best of the era too. Sure, SNES had more on paper, and the geny had that 'FM' sound chip, but neither of them, on average, sounds as good. I couldn't tell you why. The other (huge) advantage the Turbo has is speed. It runs laps around the snes, and while the geny is on par speed wise, it's ugly in comparison. Combine that with a huge library of fantastic japanese-only games, and more shooters than you can count, and it's no accident that the TG16 reigns supreme in it's era. I also find it holds up today far better than the other two, due to the large number of ooriginal games and shooters.
And collecting the japanese games is uncharted territory. Several hundred games I've never played or seen, and that, is a wonderful thing