Just found the site after my reemergence into the world of the TurboGrafx!
I'll tell you my sob story...
I had a pretty decent setup a few years back, the TG console with the cd periphial, and a nice bunch of games....it all got wiped out in a flooded basement, minus a few HuCards my friend had borrowed...I really miss Dracula X.
Anyways, I recently got jazzed because I found those old HuCards and I decided to reclaim the Turbo as my own...I found a nice ebay auction that the guy had spelled funny, so not many people saw the auction. I won a TG console, 8 games, AND a TE for 90 bucks! (I NEVER had the TE back in the day!!!) I got it in the mail today, and the console works fine, but the TE doesn't work properly. It powers up, I get the glow from the screen, but it stays black. No sound, no nuthin. It seems that the connector pins in the TE isn't picking up the game information. The games work fine in the regular console, but no dice in the TE. Is there any way to clean the connector pins? I looked all over for some sort of gameboy cleaner or something, nothing. The guy has offered for me to send it back to him and he'd try to fix it for me, or refund some money, but I want instant gratification!!!! Besides, if he refunds the money, I'll just have to go buy another TE for much more than I got this one for. Bleh.
Anyways, HI! Can't wait to check this forum from time to time, hope to get into some decent discussions!