Hey, trapjaw, I just checked out your site and those movies look awesome! I'd like to see one (especially the history one with the nerds), but I'm too cheap to pay $15 dollars for them. They do look a little promising though . I am also very interested into getting into film making of my own, but I need to find the right camera first. I want to pick up an old one from the 80's that records using VHS tapes or something - I can't stand digital video cameras for movies.
Eh, I really like the movies, but mainly because I was so involved in them, writing, acting, editing, etc. I don't know what somebody who wasn't involved would see them. We used the handycam, recorded straight to vhs, edited with 2 vcr's slapped together with a stereo for music and sound editing. Very primitive, but it ot me through high school.