Back in the day, my mother, the saint, got me the TG-CD system for Christmas the year it came out. As everyone knows, it came with Ys I+II. What I never hear mentioned is the fact that it (well, mine at least) also came with a CD+G (CD+Graphics) disc. All I remember about it were two songs included on the disc: Jimi Hendrix's "Purple Haze" and Little Feat's "Representing the Mambo". While these songs played, still pictures scrolled around the screen and, in Hendrix's case, trippy background effects strobed on and off. Two things I'm not sure of are 1) if it was branded as a Turbografx disc, and 2) what else was on it. I lost mine along with the CD hardware years ago, but I still have the TG-16 itself.
I've rooted around on the internet for info, but all I've managed to find is one page where a guy seems to mention the disc I had, but nothing I don't already know. The person that responded to him didn't seem to know about it.
My questions are many. Does anyone have any general information on this CD+G disc? Did every TG-CD system have one? Was every copy the same or does each have different songs? Was it branded as Turbografx? What else was on it? Does anyone have one? Has anyone ever seen it on eBay? How much does it go for? What is it called, specifically? It was a pretty lame pack-in, really, but I'd love to get another copy just to relive the experience and, y'know... just have one.
Apologies in advance if this has already been discussed on the boards. I can't find reference to it anywhere.
So..... anyone?