* My Duo-R came in the mail around 11AM today.
(I got my American Duo in early October. Original Turbografx back in 1991.)
* Another doujindance purchase. We're making this guy rich!
* I think it's great! I got it even though I have an American Duo 1) so I can easily play Arcade card games, and 2) I'm a rabid collector of consoles.
* I haven't modded it yet, of course, but it has the trademark doujindance RGB amp treatment.
* I'll spare you all pics of my system because it looks just like every other Duo-R.
I'm thinking about putting in a blue or purple LED, though...
Okay, here's why I
really posted: I'm a huge noob when it comes to higher-def video signals. Up until I recently started getting into the Duo hardcore, I mostly just used composite cables on my consoles. So, to all the doujindance people: exactly what do I need to buy to get this thing hooked up all RGB-like? Is there some easy how-to for morons like myself? Preferably one with lots of pictures? Actually, if any of you guys have your Duos hooked up through the PSX SCART thing, can you take some pictures of how exactly it's hooked up?
Where can I get this PSX SCART cable to plug into the SCART box... and what's on the other side of it? RGB cables? A "monitor-like" parallel port-looking plug?
Help me out here, people. I'm hopelessly dumb with this stuff and I can't find a good all-in-one resource for how to get this going.