10. Galaga 88 Only new screenshots will be accepted. You must take a screenshot of the TV with your entry score on the screen. Hold up any publication which is from the last 2 months over part of the TV, like a magizine, comic book, recent DVD release, anything to prove it was taken in the last month or two at the oldest.
11. Galaga 90 Only new screenshots will be accepted. You must take a screenshot of the TV with your entry score on the screen. Hold up any publication which is from the last 2 months over part of the TV, like a magizine, comic book, recent DVD release, anything to prove it was taken in the last month or two at the oldest. Further you need to make a 30 second movie with your digital camera or video camera or webcam which shows your TV and shows your high score at the top of the titlescreen, then you must begin a new game, select the double ship and die once as fast as you can. Upload this movie to a major upload site like bigupload.com or megaupload and include the link in your email.
I fail to see why rule 11, the one for TG owners for submitting scores, would be more strict then rule 10. You are literally requiring folks to jump though too many hoops to make them want to submit a TG score. If the goal is to discourage TG owners from participating due to the prizes being PCE related titles, then you should prob move the thread to the PCE section. If the goal was in the hopes that you could prevent a player from playing a emulated Galaga 90 on VC or Magic Engine (to cheat) for their score, they could just as easily run Galaga 88 on ME with a comp hooked to a TV so you wouldn't know any better.
Also, if the major concern is date proofing, have them take a note card, write their profile id name on it with the date, and fold it so it will stand on the TV in the corner near the score. That will help get better quality shots in. My son has Galaga 90 for Tg, but there is no way he (nor I) would be willing to go though all that rule 11 mess just to submit a score.