Has anyone else noticed this trend with Virtual Console reviews of TG games where they say "This has classic style gameplay" and then you're left thinking "No. Frigging. Shit."?
I found one for Super Star Soldier that said think along the lines of Galaga or Zero Wing. Zero Wing goes >>>>>> not ^^^^^^^^^^^^^!! >_<
... and then they called it the Turbo Graf-X
And someone whining that they can't hear Gate of Thunder's music, rofl.
And then my favorite:
"Well, in the early introduction of video games, there were a lot of action games. Donkey Kong, Mario Bros. But of course, everything was the same level by level. It took skill. But one intelligent man thought that on the lucky year of 1989, that they should add a twist - the start of some of the first RPGs. One of those - being Dungeon Explorer."
Since there were TOTALLY no RPGs before 1989. Nope. Notta. Ultima and Wizardry were figments of everyone's imaginations....
So, are most Virtual Console fanatics clueless about stuff pre Playstation or something? Most of these Virtual Console reviews even on non TG platforms are full of psychobabble and garbage.
Then again paying for emulators and ROMs... er....