WOW WOW WOW and to think all this bashing from people I thought I could consider pals or acquantences at least, but go figure! I suppose I dont really need at all to give any of you an explanation as to why I was attempting to sell my collection(and no it wasnt for holiday bucks)as its really not any of your business but I will suffice it to say! Truth of the matter is, my family has been in an unfortunate incident nearly a month ago involving a drunk driver near my work on the way home from being picked up from work. Now first of all, when one has something that is of obvious value but considers it to be priceless in his mind, its not easy to get rid of it. My turbo collection has been a staple of my escape from this world full of daily stresses like work, "chat room drama bull shit", and life in general so I wont easily let go of my collection. Anywyas as earlier stating, we were t-boned and was hit right smack dab in the passenger side which yours truly was sitting. I was okay but not left unscathed, whiplash severe enough that im still in a neck brace and wont be able to return to work till after mid December. So when one cant work and can only get so much from government funded programs until able to work how does one cope with paying the bills and supporting two kids and a wife. I listed it in hopes of being able to get enough to last through the rest of this month and next month! But because my family and rachel's family are such great people thay have really helped us out as today we were just given $2,000 from her dad. But back to the accident, our car was totaled on the passenger side,kids and wife were safe which i am dearly thankful for! The man has no insurance so was driving illegaly to begin with, and lawyer costs already are going to surmount to way more than I would be comfortable with! With little hope of getting any money out of this gut things are not looking good. We are more than,likely going to be dealing with this whole incident as far as legal matters go for over a year from what i can tell! So up went my collection in an effort to get some bucks to last for a few months worth of living,(my wife does not work in the winter since the family business is closed during these months)since im the only one working during the holidays! So I guess maybe one should always consider that there might actually be a reason why something shows up at a given price and not just to catch a ride on the popularity wave of making money off something considered to be popular and collectible just because others are doing it. But yeah since we got some money I pulled my collection cause I really didnt want to sell it but was the only way to possibly get money for my family. So no thanks and a big f*ck off to those of you who felt like it was necessasry to bash and shit on me just for trying to sell something I consider priceless! And a sincere thank you to those of you who didnt. NO I wont be selling any of these seperately so dont ask cause im keeping them! And as a matter of fact, I do still have the boxes, all of em in fact, I just didnt want to get rid of them cause I was planning to start buying back everything if it sold once this whole ordeal is over!