Seriously, guys, there's nothing noble about spending a shit-ton of money on one game. You're just pissed because someone pointed it out. Not everybody has a "collector" mentality, and to be perfectly frank, that mentality ISN'T healthy. It's your money, and you're free to do with it as you please. The KLF burned a million pounds, you guys throw a several hundred away on one game. You're free to do it, but don't delude yourself into thinking it isn't wasteful, even forgetting all the actually noble things you could be doing with that money. This will never make sense to anyone who doesn't share your "unhealthy" obsession. There's no amount of whining about free will, collectability, or "I wanna play it"-ness that is going to convince someone else that's it's a good idea to spend $200-500 on a piece of plastic, particularly when it's only true value is for collection purposes. It's hard to fathom how someone would spend $200 on Panzer Dragoon Saga, but at least in that case it's a game that you can't get anywhere else by any other means.
I'd be willing to bet there are collector attitudes that piss you guys off as well. The person that has to have all sealed games or the guy that buys up ten copies of that incredibly rare title just to stick it on the shelf. The deeper you get into collecting, the stranger the behavior looks from the outside. Justify it to yourself, but it isn't ever going to make sense to anyone else. That's because it really DOESN'T make sense, and if you could step back and take a look at it objectively, you'd see that. What difference does it make whether it appreciates in value or not. You're not buying it to some day resell it at a higher value. And if you never buy it, it's not any great loss, so who cares what price it's at in some hypothetical future? The only person who cares about these things is the person who's goal it is to resell.
Please realize, I'm not actually knocking any of you guys for wanting this game, or for shelling out the cash for it. I just think that your rationalization is a bunch of b.s. It sounds more like you're trying to convince yourselves than anyone else. You're the alcoholic claiming you don't have a problem, trying to explain to sober judges why there's nothing wrong with your drinking. It really doesn't matter in the end, tho. We all have our addictions and our vices. Just don't think you'll convince anyone that it isn't a vice.