Hi folks. I am trying to think of a feature article to write for my upcoming website and I thought the topic of "sanitizing game content" is something that would appeal to folks in general (not just turbo fans).
YOUR MISSION: To expand the list of games for Part I & II below, and to correct any mistakes / omissions you see in this thread. Thanks in advance for your thoughtful comments.PART ONE -- So, I'm trying to compile a list of all the Turbo games that were cleaned up during localization... but I don't think many games fall into this category:
Scatalogical Content. Kato & Ken --> JJ & Jeff. In K & K, farting was an offensive weapon... but for J & J it became "aerosal" from a can of spray paint. Piles of poop remained in the game, however, including some birds who poop on you (ASIDE: file this under "scatalogical pet peeve" -- instead of white, goopy bird poop, both versions simply re-used the generic "pile o' dog poop"... why couldn't Hudson give us more varieties of poop?)
Nudity. The infamous shower scene in Cosmic Fantasy 2... was anything really censored in this game besides the shower scene?
Religion. Anything? Perhaps something about the Crusades / Christianity was altered in
Exile so as not to offend Christians? The Templar Knights were real, historically (... but now I am wondering if it was Drac X that dealt with Templar Knights?)...
How about gory / bloody stuff? Final Zone II and Last Alert (Red Alert) have some bloody cinemas... were they left intact?
Violence Against Women: In Final Zone II, Bowie slaps Momoko in the face HARD in one of the cinemas... This remained in the U.S. version, though...
Promoting alcohol. Anything? I've read how
"drinking ale" in some RPGs was changed (for games on other systems, though I can't remember any further details now
Promoting tobacco. When I started thinking about sanitizing booze, I thought, "Hey, what about
Final Lap Twin, for example, was going to be the original HuCard pack-in for the TurboDuo... but NEC didn't want the "Marboro" billboards in the game to be construed as "promoting smoking to minors". Well, that's what TurboPlay magazine reported, for what its worth.
PART TWO: What Japan-only games have particualry bloody / naughty / misogynistic elements in them that would have been sanitzed for North America (explain, in detail, please):
Nudity?. Camera Man / Photograph Boy (the actual title escapes me at the moment) -- I remember a dude in a raincoat who "flashes" you (bonus points if you snap a picture of him at the crucial moment!). anything else? I vaguely recall naked women, but my brain might be playing tricks on me.
Scatological content. Toilet Kids -- vertical shooter with one theme: poop. even the spiders have arses and shoot poopy bullets at you.
Titilation/Sexualization of women. For example... Steam Hearts -- I need details, I don't own this game... Strip Fighter II... and many other games, I'm sure...
Sexuality. For example, Ai Cho Aniki (Super Big Brother) -- folks in the U.S. are so prudish that the overtly homoerotic theme would be a stumbling block.
Race/ethnicity/national origin. Anything? Did any of the Japanese games have stereotyped racial / ethnic character designs, for example?
Nazis. Download 2 has a bio-morphed HITLER monster as a final boss. For some reason I think this might cause problems for a U.S. release. At the very least, the Japanese cover art (which features hitler's visage) would have to be changed, methinks.